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This is a quick public model I made with a collab with someone who wants to remain anonymous. By their request this model will go public on release.

About this model:

  • Uses an Autorigpro rig.
  • Includes 4 outfits.
  • Custom body shapes for fitness.
  • MustardUI menu.


-This model is compatible with Blender 3.4.0 and newer versions, loading it in any of the previous version may not work. (WHITE MATERIALS MEAN YOU ARE USING AN OLDER VERSION!)

-Final Fantasy models require at least 32 transparency samples for hair in cycles due to the detail of their meshes.

-If you want to see better detail for muscle shapekeys, turn smooth corrective off.

-Activate the "Advanced" Bone Armature Layer to see more bone options for the Torso and limbs.

-Save the blend file in the same folder you chose to extract the "textures.7z" file. Open blend file after you extracted the zip, if you still managed to get missing textures, go to "File>External Data>Find Missing Files", then select the textures folder, and save.

-The Rig tools add-on is required to have access to the "head/neck follow lock" and "IK-FK", snapping settings for limbs in the active workspace and tool menu.  (If you have the full version of Auto-rig pro don't install this, this is only required for animators that don't own the full version)

-Install rig-tools like any add-on (preferences>Add-ons>Install>select zip(press the check box to activate.)

-If you have questions about how to utilize the ARP rig, check the rig's FAQ page: http://www.lucky3d.fr/auto-rig-pro/doc/rig_behaviour_doc.html#rig-usage

-IF you have any problems with the UI menu, check out Mustard's FAQ page: (https://github.com/Mustard2/MustardUI/wiki/Users-FAQs)

-Use 7zip to extract the textures to avoid any issues.

-If you got missing textures (pink) check out this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWrj3jud0w8

-If you still got missing textures it's most likely your zip file containing the textures got damaged during the download process and some texture files were damaged, try downloading again.


Update 1.1

-Updated MustardUI script version

-Added pubic Hair

-Updated hair shaders (translucency)

Update 1.2

- Replaced Volume preserve option with realistic bending vertex groups and extra armature modifier (Turn off in viewport if you want to sculpt the model)

- Updated rig to newest version (requires blender 3.4)

- Updated MustardUI script version

- Fixed Missing Drivers errors

- Improved Genitals shapekeys to avoid clipping when open

- Added "Thinner" body shape slider to menu for all outfits to fit her canonical body type

- Fixed multiple outfits clipping bugs

- Updated thigh and pelvis area shape

- Added Nails Color Activator

- Added Sweat shader

- Updated Lingerie to fix clipping and added Color option






Wow that was fast lol nice job, great model. I expected you to release her eventually, but not so fast lol


After playing Crisis Core for the first time, I'm amazed at just how under-lewd-ed Cissnei is!