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(Again, Simon is the owner of the dive shop chain and Eri's boss.)




haha Eri's reaction

Didrik Svahn

Sad that we lost the footage guess that means that we need to redo the shoot


Damn it, guys, its our duty to get the holy grail back for the photos ! We cant let the holy photos be lost !!!!!!

Fábián Hunor

Did the current carry the camera away? Otherwise it should be in the same area the scuba tank and weights were recovered from...


That was my thinking lol, maybe they should swap places this time, Eri clearly is irresponsible with a camera 🤣

Didrik Svahn

Oh yes I would like to see that. As Yuri was shown here to be the better safety diver in how she managed to save them both despite being tied up


haha - oh oh - but i think more important is that Eri is ok


Maybe Simon will demand Eri and Yuri do a photo shoot to make up for the lost camera :3


Not an actual part of story, but since Miyako is made of corral reefs the seabed is typically dead corrals with lots of slits and openings. So it is easy to lose small items once you let go when diving