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(SAVER) The story will continue, so please wait for the next episode. :-D



Didrik Svahn

Is this Saki? Because it sort of look like her and she seems to be very deep. But then on the other hand her hair seems different looking than usual. Also is this the same wreck as in the end of AGVG? The ship wreck which was at a depth of 250 meters below the surface


Nooo it cant end like this !!! The depth she is, the route she will take, and misfortune… >.</ There is probably a crab 🦀 that got the photoshoot with all the sexy and beautiful photos of 2 unconscious cute girls >:3c


Well, she's not in the afterlife. At least it doesn't look like she is. It could be her physical manifestation. Or she was punished by death and sent down to the mortal realm Or it's just a girl who looks like her because we confused Chihaya with Jia just a page ago

Didrik Svahn

If it’s just a girl that girl would need to be a great freediver (even better than Chihaya at the very least). But regarding what you say about Meng Po I could see her investigating this ship wreck for whatever reason


This girl reminds me of Death’s servant, and the wreck is almost certainly the same one our core cast had their little “stunt” in during their competition. I made a note of the giant gash on the side of the ship the first time too, and that appears to be what this is. And I doubt any casual diver would just end up this deep. Maybe this has something to do with Saki’s Priestess training after all? This swimsuit that she’s wearing, too, could be a way to demonstrate training to Saki, as we know she has a preference for bikinis but has been showing up in one piece suits a lot recently. Maybe whatever they’re meant to do down here can only be properly completed in a bikini, or at least a two piece. Aya could finally break out her old tankini!

Didrik Svahn

So you are saying that the shrine maidens of Ogami island are descendants of a deity? I have heard somewhere that in Shinto region that shrine maiden and priestess can become deities. But I wonder if that is the same case for Ogami and the greater Okinawa area. Seeing how they have had a different culture then main land Japan


That's some serious foreshadowing :3

Nathan Sample

Looks like Meng Po showed up. Wherever this goes, things are bound to be exciting.