I am attending MAGfest soon, and I was helping design some merchandise for my friends at a certain YouTube channel that only uploads High Quality VGM to sell there. In that process I ordered bundles of 2 Bito stickers to gift to friends at the con.
Designing all the items was a lot of fun, and making physical items was something I wanted to do for a while. I've been doing digital art for a long time, and it's nice to have something I can actually hold.
If there is any interest I was thinking of ether setting up some storefront for them, or offering some as part of a Patreon tier. I'd have to get a PO Box and work out some shipping logistics but it all seems very doable from what I've looked into.
The designs would be different then the ones shown in the photo, I have a few concepts in mind but I'd like to gauge interest first.
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