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  • jithwantstobevored.mp4



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If your previous post got to the root of what’s appealing about being a tiny (which it very much did btw 👍), then this gets to the root of what’s appealing about being a giant. It feels great to be a big, unstoppable goober who has fun impulsively following your whims 😊. Bonus points if you get to look good while doing it, which this character definitely does. I dunno who they are, but they sure are a cutie 😍. I’d be happy to have them as a rampage partner/source of my untimely demise anytime 🥰! Also, side note: I loved the little “B story” with the car getting caught in the big’s cleavage. It was a cute detail that gave me a good chuckle and an “excuse” (😉) to stare at some excellently drawn titties. Great work Kinky!💖


Damn this sure has been a stacked month huh? You definitely came back from the move swinging, lol. And we still have the monthly request pools to get to before the month’s done. This is shaping up to be one of your strongest month’s in a while! You’re on fire Kinky, keep it up!🔥🔥🔥


An adorable lil burp at the end lol