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Happy new year! 

With the new year I decided to introduce a new Tier and expand on the benefits for the Chamption Tier as well! 

The new tier is a 6$ a month Supporter Tier that will grant acess solely to Meteor Woman and the Discord! This Tier includes the benefits of the Chip in Tier (2$) namely Franky's Adventure and its bonuses.

The champion Tier still remains the only Tier offering the following additional exclusives.

-SemeChan Blob.
-Monthly Champion vote for new Exclusive Comic.
-Monthly Champion Comic (I am Ojousama, I will make us win, Magical Mokkori ...)
-Access to Farhad's Champion's Vault. (Will be added later this Month)

Yes I am adding a Vault to access all my created work as it is starting to add up, and with your support will continue to grow in the upcoming months and years! 

I really need your support! 


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