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A lovely gif of Luna dancing from a nice angle... Oh, what happened to her undies!?

I wanted to get the first iteration of this out to you guys and gals
Just know that I will be improving on this :P

Firstly there will be two versions that are with and without undies. Might do other outfits, not sure yet. You can access both on the link. Both renders are 30fps for now.

So the first thing I want to do is cleanup the animation and re-render in 60fps, render other dances along with their respective colour. And also add music to the dances changes. And maybe add the little bass speaker effect thing as detail, not sure about it yet.

For now, the videos are 10 loops (15 seconds). The gif above has a bit of a fade... ;)

That's it for the moment, I hope you all like what i'm cooking
Enjoy! :D

Update: I've added 3 loops. Default Pants, Undies, and Commando. They all have the ability music. I'll probably look at alt outfits next!



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