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Hey guys it's ya dude here with the monthly update. Nothin' really big to report on this time, I don't have anything in my back pocket cooking, just goin' about the standard way I have been.

At the moment I've got a few videos and pics/sequences in the backlog I've made in the past week. Probably gonna spend the next day or two going hard making all the stuff for February and March. Actually really happy with how these videos and pics are coming out looking so excited to get them to you guys :D

Going forward there is a small slight change to how content is posted. In the past every single image posted here has been in 4k. Because of this the loading times for images could take a second and really going through each photo prolly sucked SO instead how it'll work now is the Big Fans will get the images in a HD comic/sequence format for easier viewing, while Super Fans and up will continue receiving the individual 4k images alongside 4k versions of the sequences.

I hope everyone had a wonderful January because we're going into February with our hearts on our sleeve ready to conquer. See ya guys again in a few days!



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