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^o^ ♥ Still trying things and experimenting with new stuff. Another style of sharpening here. What do you think? And also, of course, I hope you like it. The continuoation of quick nice portrait renders for our ff ladies goes on!



Jon (jcolson2500)

You really knocked it out of the park with detail on this one! Her face, those bright piercing eyes, those lips, her hair, the leather and metal piece!!! I actually feel like I am looking at a promotional piece from a poster for the game!! This is incredible work Sreli!! This is what I mean I can feel the love you put into your work!!! 😍❤️❤️❤️

OneHandedStunt - Richard

I like this one more than the last one regarding the sharpening. The fur on the ears must have been tedious work! But it looks overall amazing and has the softness on the shadows around the chin which in my opinion highlight the skin texture in a nice way!


Oh gosh I never saw you say anything like this, anywhere !!! ;///; such a compliment. Thank you, Jon!! I really am happy to hear that. The experimenting never stops.


Tedious indeed. I am still trying to find a nice balance with the sharpening that I discovered recently. It's a different way- but also a bit harder to handle. ^o^ So happy to hear you like this a bit more than the last one already. ♥

probably Maxie

Looking at the sheer amount of details here (from the strands of hair, the pores on her face, the sparkling cat eyes, the suppleness of her lips, to even the fabric on there collar of her clothes), I wouldn’t believe that this is merely a quicky render, Sreli, especially since these ladies end up looking like gorgeous models on each of your renders ❤️❤️


One of my favorite FF girls :) ♥


^o^ and there is still many more to come. Ah, I am so glad you like it!!! °O° Thank you, Maxie. Hopefully I can continue to improve and such.

probably Maxie

Thank you as well, Sreli, for these beautiful renders you release for all of us! ❤️ As for me, I’ll be supporting you and watch you continuously improve for as long as I can ☺️