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°_°) NieR won and.. I don't know what got over me but this got made.. !! A bit more explicit this time, I know. Still trying new things and learning. Stay with me for this ride, please? Hihi. ♥



Jon (jcolson2500)

This is so hot! 🥵 I love the more explicit photo! 🤤❤️ Lucky robot 🤖

Ren Lockhart

A2: Glory to Fingerkind.

probably Maxie

I like to ask that myself, like what was your train of thought while making this? 😅 regardless, Sreli, seeing you give A2 some love (figuratively AND literally, *ehem*) turned out for the best! ❤️ PS: I’m still jealous with that robot over there 😳

probably Maxie

Indeed!! 🤣 that hole it has been putting his finger in must be extraordinarily warm for sure 🥵 it surely is wet down there, for sure! 💦💦 wouldn’t mind unleasing the dragon right inside 🐉

Chris Darden

this is surprisingly hot. something about a beautiful android with a rusty little robot…