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Gosh.. this was a hard one, let me tell you! Had to draw over a lot of points but I think I finally got to a place where I don't entirely dislike it so that's good!! Hihi. ♥




This! Just this right here! 🥵

Jon (jcolson2500)

Oh my lord Sreli, your hard work certainly paid off! This Overwatch render looks perfect!!! Tracer and Widowmaker both look so sexy!!! 🥵💦

probably Maxie

Two words: boobie pillow! 😄 kidding aside, they look so cute together that I kinda feel bad for not being able to appreciate this more, as a non-Overwatch player 😅


Making Overwatch renders is really fun, because they are more stylized so I can draw over imperfections easier. xD


^o^ Well, even if you don't know overwatch, you can always appreciate that the characters look cute / sexy. ♥

probably Maxie

Well… touche! And also, I can always appreciate boobie pillows in whatever shape and form! 😅😁