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you asked for it! ^o^ ♥



Dylan Durnal

She's so cute 😊

probably Maxie

Yuffie looks adorable ain’t she! Now if only Square Enix would release a remake of Dirge of Cerberus for adult Yuffie, that would probably be great 😅


From small and sneaky to slightly less small and even more sneaky!


Thank you for doing it without the belt on her pants.


Even in Dirge, Yuffie still looks like a child. It only takes place a year after AC. I'd love to see it get the remaster treatment, like CC, though. xDD


To be honest, I don't have the Rebirth model for Yuffie yet. I simply used the one from Intermission. xDD

probably Maxie

I just checked since I haven’t played the game before, and she still looks like a kid like what you said! Probably because of her petite frame But still, it would be nice to see post-AC Yuffie in an evolution render such as this one!


And I'm very happy about that. I like the way she looks without the belt much more. But both are cute.