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♥ ♥ ♥ Many more renders to come. This one was a struggle. Had to piece it together in photoshop - since my PC can't handle that many characters. But .. it had to be done. xD




Finally, it's out on PC. Now I can contemplate whether to buy right away, or check to see if it needs a couple o' optimization patches, and wait a little longer :D Also, your photoshop skills are no joke!

Joe Johnson

Are you generally using Blender for these photos? Im a complete Blender noob (1.5 days of experience). If so how many samples are you rendering to, just curious cuzz im not sure if theres a point where higher sampling number is irrelevant?


This looks incredible! I love seeing the team together! This is incredible Sreli! Very well done!


Simply…INCREDIBLE!!! The detail in this is absolutely insane, Sreliata, extraordinary job! 🤩👍💖 I was just about to mention how Vincent wasn’t included but no, he’s definitely there, it’s a ‘Where’s Waldo” moment! XD I also LOVE how you even included little Mini Cloud the Chocobo! 🥹💕


The game is currently on sale, so I'd recommend getting it while it's cheaper. ^o^


Thank you! Thank you! This one was quite the struggle to finish. I'm glad it worked out though. ^o^


Yay! Someone noticed Cloud Jr! The entire party is there! I made sure of it. I'm so happy that you love it! ^o^