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I'm SO excited to see all of your previous work that I couldn't see before I happened upon you on Twitter! 💕 😊


Ah!! I have just sent you the invite to the archive. I hope you received it! <3 You'll see a lot of 'cursed' stuff then too. ... - I wasn't always good in 3D! You'll see. XD


I received it! Haha it's all part of your growth as an artist! I'm excited to see your journey from the beginning 💙


I truly am so grateful for your support, Shoan! Thank you so, so much! Hopefully whatever comes next, will be to your liking, too! ^.^

Fernando Calzada

Hi! I got the invite, but for some reason the folder appears undecrypted and I cant actually see/download anything


I'll double check in a moment! That shouldn't be happening. Please check it again within an hour. I should have fixed it then. ☺️


Catching up on all your previous works since I didn't know prior.