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Hello my lovelies (and Milkies. Yes, it's a name I came up with, for the spicy milk lovers in here).

The MEGA archive has gotten a rather big update today. Not only are there images from 2015 - 2017 now, but.. from as early as 2013 as well and forward. At first, I only uploaded my blender renders on there but now you can find literally /all/ my creations on there.

XPS. Maya beginnings. Blender. MMD. All of it.
You .. will find yourself laughing at some. I know I did when I saw them earlier - and some of it you will find to be very cursed.. but alas, one has to start somewhere, right?

Bear with me, and enjoy the ride. It's a wild one, let me tell you!

Cheers to all of us here, and to me, hopefully getting better in the future and never ceasing to learn! (✧ω✧)


Dhru Bee (edited)

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2023-05-29 19:09:12 So excited to see this! Thank you for sharing it with us! It's always great to see the journey and your development to this point🙌🏽🙌🏽
2023-05-29 19:09:12 So excited to see this! Thank you for sharing it with us! It's always great to see the journey and your development to this point🙌🏽🙌🏽
2023-05-29 19:09:12 So excited to see this! Thank you for sharing it with us! It's always great to see the journey and your development to this point🙌🏽🙌🏽
2023-05-29 19:09:12 So excited to see this! Thank you for sharing it with us! It's always great to see the journey and your development to this point🙌🏽🙌🏽
2022-11-20 21:32:38 So excited to see this! Thank you for sharing it with us! It's always great to see the journey and your development to this point🙌🏽🙌🏽

So excited to see this! Thank you for sharing it with us! It's always great to see the journey and your development to this point🙌🏽🙌🏽


Oh, I'm definitely upgrading to the new tier! I was already planning to before, but this mention of cursed images spiked my curiosity. x'D


Trust me, you'll find it absurd- just like I did when seeing them earlier. xd

Dhru Bee (edited)

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2023-05-29 19:09:14 All of our journeys are absurd in retrospect. They're still fun to look back on though😬
2023-05-29 19:09:14 All of our journeys are absurd in retrospect. They're still fun to look back on though😬
2023-05-29 19:09:14 All of our journeys are absurd in retrospect. They're still fun to look back on though😬
2023-05-29 19:09:14 All of our journeys are absurd in retrospect. They're still fun to look back on though😬
2022-11-20 22:31:08 All of our journeys are absurd in retrospect. They're still fun to look back on though😬

All of our journeys are absurd in retrospect. They're still fun to look back on though😬


You're right! I hope (if you choose to look at them), you'll be as amused as I was, seeing this evolution! ^_^

Rookie One

Nice, but I only see 2013-2014 pictures when I check :(

Sreliata (edited)

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2023-05-29 19:09:13 On the left side, you have an "over-folder". It should be called 'Sreliata's Archive'. Double click on that to get back to the main folder. If you need any additional help, please let me know! <3
2022-11-20 23:58:56 On the left side, you have an "over-folder". It should be called 'Sreliata's Archive'. Double click on that to get back to the main folder. If you need any additional help, please let me know! <3

On the left side, you have an "over-folder". It should be called 'Sreliata's Archive'. Double click on that to get back to the main folder. If you need any additional help, please let me know! <3

Rookie One

that.s actually what was my first reflex...maybe there is a right issue ?


Very weird! I've been messaging you on MEGA now, so we can get behind that.


I'm a big tough man... I can take cursed material... maybe lol


You should have received an invite Email from Mega, accept it, and you'll be able to see it then (may have to make yourself an account there)


I have joined Mega and gotten the invite but when I click it, nothing happens

Sreliata (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 14:26:46 The issue should be resolved now. &lt;3
2022-11-30 12:04:52 The issue should be resolved now. <3

The issue should be resolved now. <3


I'm having problem with the invite link. When I press it, nothing shows up


Glad we were able to get it fixed. If it still persists, please let me know.