! Spicy Milk(ers) Archive UPDATED ! (Patreon)
Hello my lovelies (and Milkies. Yes, it's a name I came up with, for the spicy milk lovers in here).
The MEGA archive has gotten a rather big update today. Not only are there images from 2015 - 2017 now, but.. from as early as 2013 as well and forward. At first, I only uploaded my blender renders on there but now you can find literally /all/ my creations on there.
XPS. Maya beginnings. Blender. MMD. All of it.
You .. will find yourself laughing at some. I know I did when I saw them earlier - and some of it you will find to be very cursed.. but alas, one has to start somewhere, right?
Bear with me, and enjoy the ride. It's a wild one, let me tell you!
Cheers to all of us here, and to me, hopefully getting better in the future and never ceasing to learn! (✧ω✧)