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(*≧ω≦*) I know I don't usually do a lot of NieR but I really enjoyed doing those last two renders. 




Love it. More nier isn't a bad thing fantastic work as always


would love to see more of her


^.^ I may have to do a poll which character people love the most of NieR!


Mine has always been kaine but A2 is a close second. Sadly 2B always steals the show


Yeah, usually the first characters we're introduced to, stick with many people. And I think for many that was 2B! °O° But I love A2's design the most.

Raistlin .

So freundlich hat man A2 noch nie gesehen 😱 ich finde deine Entwicklung und Entscheidung mehr andere Charaktere zu machen wunderbar. Vor allem Wenn sie zu meinen Lieblingen gehören xD aber bitte nicht 9S xP


I am strongly in favor of more Nier moving forward! This is a gorgeous shot of A2, and if that’s a sample of the sort of Nier content you can create, we’re all in for quite a treat!


Nein, keine Sorge. 9S ist.. nicht mein favourite. XD Er ist einfach nur so komisch, kleinlich, weichlich.. - so ein Waschlappen einfach overall. Bestimmt hat er auch coole Seiten- vll. ändert der Anime meine Meinung zu ihm! Mal sehen.


I will definitely try to do more of that in the future then! ^.^ Who knows, we may get another nier game even.

Jonas Morés (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 12:19:24 They turned out spectacular!! Gods! Your 2B and A2 (I already memorized those names. XD!) Always come back with them. Bold, sexy, cute and naked. Or your excellent taste, which always surprises me.🌷
2023-01-09 15:12:44


^.^ I definitely will try do more nier in the future and am so glad that you like them. I hope, if you play the game, you enjoy it thoroughly.

Raistlin .

Er ist sehr Loyal, einfühlsam, wachsam und zu krassen Emotionen fähig, wenn man an seinen Schrei denkt. Aber bin auch nie warm geworden. Kämpfen hat glaube aber Laune gemacht. Hoffe der Anime wird gut