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I figured, it'd be nice to do something with her winter outfit, too!! ^o^

That said: MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody. Today - here in Germany - we celebrate Christmas; have a nice family meal and after that, go to the tree and open gifts together.

I hope you're all feeling well; that everybody enjoys their holidays and please (here's the most important bit) know that I really, really appreciate you. My DMs are always open and I am so incredibly grateful to have you here with me.

Thank you for your support. It means a lot to me and does help me greatly, with everydays life.

Thank you! 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 



Raistlin .

Frohe Weihnachten Steli 🎄😊 Rückblickend finde ich es sehr beeindruckend was du dieses Jahr alles gemacht hast. Speziell in diesem Monat noch. Auch deine Entwicklung, soweit ich diese beurteilen kann ist schön zu beobachten;) Guten Hunger beim ganzen Futtern, lass dich reich beschenken und vor allem gönn dir auch mal ein paar ruhige Tage;)


Merry Christmas to you, Sreli! As for where I’m from, we usually start the festivities on the 24th evening and wait for the clock to strike 12am then we proceed with the gift-giving. I think I told this to you already but your Tifa renders (particularly the Tifa strip game ones) are the first ones that I saw on Twitter! ❤️ anyway, hope you have a good one!!