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I am currently having an awful / very hard time at work, and so tonight, I wanted to do a very simple and relaxing render.

Since I had no motivation or specific idea, I went through old renders and eventually stumbled upon this one. You can see the original from somewhere between 2015 - 2017 as the second image here, or in the Mega Drive of that timeframe.

It's.. hard to believe that it has been 7 years since the first render. I feel like other people make so much progress in such a short amount of time and I'm just her, cucumbering around like a snail but alas, there's still a little improvement visible.. wouldn't you say?


A.. anyway. I hope you like it a little! I hope (and plan) to make a Tifa sporty dress render somewhen today. Wish me luck (and for work, too.. ) ♥ 



Jon (jcolson2500)

Oh my gosh Sreli, You need to stop being so hard on yourself! ❤️ The amount of growth that is visible from looking at the old render to the newer one is astonishing, your hard work and dedication to this craft is very admirable and your progress is extraordinary! The detail on the face, lighting, the way her skin looks so smooth and soft, the realistic texture of the volleyball, and the vast improvement on the hair texture make the new render you made a vast improvement on the first! You have grown so much since then!! 🥰❤️ I hope that work starts to get smoother for you, and I wish you luck on everything! I’m super excited for that sporty dress Tifa render! Just hearing her name made my mouth water a little 🤤


Yooooo sorry to hear about the work Grober Brother Sreli D;! I hope it gets better... :( even so I'm glad you were able to find a piece to re-approach! I also find it hard to do art these days and I'd love to do more to improve but just can't seem to get spare time... It'll come soon enough! Keep working with what you've got :D! Always bangers :D!

OneHandedStunt - Richard

As one of the Followers that rather joined recently, I am a bit taken back by how you treat yourself. Stop it, right there! Bad people are out there a plenty! Don't join them! *takes a deep breath* So, now, after this rant, with a smile on my face, let me tell you, that you are developing. Every day you do it. Every day in which you tackle work. Every day in which you put your family first. Every day in which you dare to tell people your mind. Every day in which you take a part of your soul and let it linger around a render of yours and bravely show it on the internet - the probably deepest pool of human atrocities. We here are not supporting you, because you tricked us into it. We're not supporting you, because our lifes are void and empty and you were the first to find us. You're not taking advantage of us. We're taking advantage of you by pushing you, encouraging you to follow this art. If you would ever decide to stop this and do something else, I would surely reconsider supporting your new way. But besides this relationship I experienced you as a kind person, considerable about the people around her, often hindered by insecurities, but bravely facing them from time to time. Testing her own strength and following her own path. Weaving emotions, dreams, hopes, a sometimes achingly clear view of the real world into something as unrelated to my every day life as renders from a franchise I never played. You are a great individual, Sreli. You are finally the reason for me being here. Never doubt that, please.

probably Maxie

A little improvement? I think that the difference is night and day, Sreli! From the exposure to the detail, I think it’s quite obvious that you really have improved over the years. I’m not sure as well what issues you’ve been facing at work, and I may not know what to say, but hard times do pass… and that includes hard times at work 😌 best of luck to you always, Sreli! PS: since you have mentioned sporty dress Tifa, well… sporty dress Tifa when? Ahehe 😅

Raistlin .

Du bist etwas zu selbstkritisch Sreli. Nicht nur dieser Render, sondern deine Kunst an sich hat sich stark weiterentwickelt. Und dabei kenne ich dich erst seit nem Jahr oder so.

Mr. Du-Dah

I really dig the return to DOA art.


I cannot believe what I’m hearing! You have improved tremendously and progressed so very far, Sreli. I mean from the lighting, textures and the finer details, Honoka looks so realistic and absolutely gorgeous ( as does Tifa and every character you’ve ever rendered )! You continue to amaze and blow our minds away with your posts, I mean you can clearly see the love and dedication you’ve put into your work and I speak for every one of us here when I say we thank you for always blessing us with your magnificent artistry . I hope everything goes well with you and your work and never let it get you down, you’ve always been stronger that that. 😊👍❤️


Richard.. I had this post open, on this very spot on my patreon page (your writing) for the whole day now. Kept reading this over, and over, and over- wondering how I could appropriately respond; how I could show just how much I appreciate these words, and are grateful for them but alas.. I still am just sitting here, a little speechless and in awe. It is so surprising.. yes, almost shocking to me to think that you found me so 'randomly' through Pan. Because I couldn't be any more touched by what you said and I just want you to know that I am so, so, so incredibly thankful for what you said there. It's for this reason that, despite the insecurity and the massive self-doubt, I have the motivation to keep going and always try my best in every render and thing that comes next ;_; Thank you so, so very much. I have no words.. ♥


;_; Beau.. !! ♥ Not too long ago, I looked at the very first commission I ever made. Which just so happens to be the CloTi one I once did for you ( remember)? And it was the one thing where I thought.. yes, maybe I did improve a little. Thank you for believing in me.


Yes, I certainly do remember that one! Cloud and Tifa by the beach of Costa De Sol, in a sweet embrace, could never forget. 🥰❤️ It truly is a tremendous honor to be your first commissioner and has always been such a joy and pleasure to request commissions from you ever since. Looking forward doing more of them with you! 💖🙏

OneHandedStunt - Richard

I am happy, that my words have helped you. Read them whenever in need to remind yourself. My wife and I we both have words like these from one another spread in our flat, just to have something to hold onto in dark times. So I know how much the right words at the right time can help