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How do you like her new costume? ^_^

I just wanted to make a quick render to showcase her lovely face again. Didn't have time for the whole body render but I'm sure that'll come somewhen. ♥



Jon (jcolson2500)

Yuffie looks soooo good in that new outfit!!! The EC Outfits are such a nice addition!!! 🤤❤️

Mr. Du-Dah

Quickie, but it's good all the same.

probably Maxie

What can I say — she looks so cute in her new costume!!

OneHandedStunt - Richard

She looks cute in the outfit. Even if she doesn't seem to appreciate it so much


The top looks like the top of Takanashi Kiara from Hololive EN Myth. Maybe not identical but definitely similar.

TOURNIER Akhénaton

Damn, Yuffie look so cute with this costume, it's absolutely adorable!❤️ She definitely need to wear this costume in DoC 👀