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^o^ In Rebirth, there is a little segment where they talk about how Yuffie may have had a crush on some Soldier that saved her. ♥ Just felt like I needed to make a little hommage to it.

The idea was brought to me by my beloved twin sister. ♥ 



Jon (jcolson2500)

I love this!!! Yuffie is such a cutie 🥰


Hueh sweet! Thank you for taking some time away from pwtting the chocobaby glaze to make sweet 3d rendering!


She would have a crush 😆. Those side missions were a dead giveaway. Beautiful work!

probably Maxie

I never played all the Crisis Core side missions, but I did play on a lot of them and I never caught on to this feeling of hers! 😱 still, Yuffie looks adorable here and the way she looks at Zack looks like a girl looking at the senpai that she (obviously) has a crush on!