Bucking is magic: The treasure at the end of the rainbow ( WIP 1 +Series Announcement ) (Patreon)
So, this is the special thing I was talking about, "Bucking is Magic" (the name can be change, I'm waiting for your opinion, maybe some ideas if it's not good)
What is Bucking is Magic?
It is a series that I want to create, which will be composed of different stories with different characters and combinations of characters represented in the most sexual ways possible. Every second I will try to create moments and positions that are as horny and sexy as possible together with some awesome sex scenes while trying to tell a story and create some kind of character development.
What will be the format of this project?
I hope I didn't create hope that the project will be animated, I would have to be crazy to do that. I don't have the skills/talent or PC power to do such a thing. The format should be similar to an audiobook but with some images. I will try to create the best possible atmosphere with sounds and background music while the scenes will be changing. There will be no writing or subtitles, I will try to do everything with the voices of the characters. Now how am I going to do this, well with A.I. I assure you that this idea it is better than it sounds, I did some tests and the voices are quite decent, maybe even good. I think the biggest problem was my lack of voice acting talent for the audio sample, which I hope to improve.
The first story I decided to create is an adventure with Rainbow Dash and Daring Do who are in search of a... "special" artifact. It ends with Rainbow making a bet/competition to prove who is the best adventurer which may or may not end well for her. I hope you can imagine what is the punishment for the loser. This is the first WIP of many to come.
And for those who are curious about the rest of the content, don't worry nothing will change, the animations will remain my main priority.
I hope that I have piqued your curiosity a bit, I am waiting to hear your opinions, and as always I thank you all for the support.