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I know 'Futa' isnt everyone's cup of tea, so I'm not going to force anyone to see surprise weenie that doesn't want to. Unfortunately, there's no way to spoiler-blur or spoiler-image an image on Patreon, so I'll just leave it linked below for those interested.

Context : I've been trying to storyboard a proper AE comic thing with the succubus, and have been reading some about how to make one. It's sorta coming together, slowly though. Look forward to that!

For now.. this character.. I'm really not happy with. I've got the proportions more or less how I want.. but I think the face is going to be totally scrapped. Only uploading for the sake of "well its' already been rendered",  in case anyone else could appreciate it 




nice job with with the skirt morph. why red? going for a jelly dildo or something of the like?