Arazni (Patreon)
Whenever i hear "when you live long enough to become a villain" this is the character i ll be thinking about for the foreseeable future.
Arazni is a major character of pathfinder Lore her life and works spanding for 4000 years. She was an exemplary scholar human with a great life until she was killed. Judged inmediately by Pharasma and sent to Nirvana. Ascended to an Angel in her service, and then to a Demigod while on the service of Aroden (the shitiest Yisus Craist). Betrayed by her wordshippers, abandoned by her friend, revived and slaved as a Lich. She is an amazing character and the only reason i m talking about her is because i m running Tyrant's Grasp, the last adventure from Pathfinder 1e and the grand finale for the age of lost omens in which she is a major participant.
Love to Arazni and love to paizo for their great work on this setting.