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  • RFR_Q_A_222_Being_Orig... - audiogram.mp4
  • RFR_Q_A_222_Being_Orig... - audiogram.mp4



STAR WARS fans come in all ages, but those who have been fans since 1977 have truly watched the franchise grow into a phenomenon. RFR V.I.P. David Hammond, making his Q&A debut, has been a fan since the beginning. Join us as we look back to some very early memories of fandom, including seeing STAR WARS for the first time, screenings at the drive-in, childhood Carrie Fisher crushes, finding our first-ever STAR WARS figures, the original soundtrack and it’s knock-offs, getting used to the Special Editions and more. Plus, David Prowse, “Hardware Wars”, raising puppies, and passing along the passion to the next generation.



Kyle Burress

Awesome first Q&A David! I look forward to hearing more from you in the future. It's always great to hear from someone else who was around to remember Star Wars from the beginning. I was born in '78 but it didn't take long for me to get into it. I probably would have tried to call Carrie too. That's hilarious!

Cameron Gore

And here I thought the closing theme for every episode was the song that Jimmy listened to. I can't seem to find a version of that Wonderland's record Star Wars theme on YouTube. Does anyone have a link that I could listen to?

Curtis in Omaha

First thing I did after listening was Google the 6 Million Dollar Man "Bigfoot" episode. Amazing photos of Andre the Giant! Poor RobO from Chicago. Can't listen to another episode without hearing his name wrong! 😂

Turtle Wars

Hell yeah Portland, legalize everything! I lived in Olympia, WA in the late 90’s and did salamander research in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainer, Mt. Hood, and other places in the region. We would occasionally run into some pretty crazy people on those super remote logging roads and talus slopes who would claim to be squatch hunters, and they always had some wild far out stories and conspiracy theories to share. I’m not sure what they had been smoking since the 60’s, but wish I had some. Great debut Q&A, thanks for sharing you and your son’s fandoms. We’re all rootin’ for that RFR Rancho Obi-wan hangout in 2025!


Nice one David Nice to hear the baton being passed on from father to son.

Brian Walters

Enjoyed all the great recollections and hearing from your son was awesome!

Greg from New Jersey

Great episode! Love OG OT conversations Definitely excited to hear more about a possible “Brancho Brobi-Wan” event…


Great show guys! Keep it up. Need my RFR fix weekly

David Hammond

Appreciate that Turtle Wars! My son needs to team up with Blake ., the junior RFR to convert the young uns .. This is the way !

David Hammond

They actually used to drive the Universal Studio Tours carts through that tunnel .. not sure if they still do now ..

David Hammond

Wish i could remember the couple conversations I has after posing that question .. got some laughs though.

David Hammond

Thanks Brian...I am glad people enjoyed that. Nowadays he fills me in on all the non movie storylines from games, comics, etc .. he needs his own junior podcast

Peter Beisser

Welcome to the club, David.

Eric from Phoenix

Welcome to the party! Looking forward to listening. I’m so far behind…

David Hammond

Thank you Peter .. i never thought I would find a more wretched hive .. wait .. thanks! Looking forward to getting more involved.

Eric from Phoenix

I’m deep into college football which means an additional 6ish podcasts a week to listen to in addition to RFR. Normally not a problem but being out on vacation and / or work travel messes it up :)

Eric from Phoenix

Just got done and had a ton of fun listening. I would love to see the OT main characters in live action as long as they are treated with respect (like The Mandalorian). As soon as you guys talked about the tie fighter toy I immediately thought about the one wing connector I had that never fit right into the wing. Sounds like Jim had the same issue.