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  • The_Huge_Cost_to_Make_ST... - audiogram.mp4



RFR Early Bird goodness has arrived!

We get into the economics of STAR WARS as new information has been revealed about the record-breaking budgets of the films and streaming series. The numbers are colossal.  We review “Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku: Insurgency Rising”, a new series from Marvel Comics. Star Wars in Pop Culture returns featuring Eric Idle, John Boyega, Jimmy Fallon with Harrison Ford and more. Plus, we have discussions about the “Balance of The Force”, The Mortis Trilogy, and the infamous “High Ground” scene from Revenge of The Sith.




Travis Brooks

Awesome thanks for the early release.

Mike James

Chut chut! Perfect timing for my walk to work this morning here in the UK 🇬🇧


Great chat guys

Scott St. Louis

Illinois Historical Society HACKED by Star Wars fans?!?! Hope the Babu Freaks all have suitable alibis! Another great show guys! Thanks for getting my Friday off to a good start!

Dominique Garant

So. If there is such a big drop off in viewership during seasons… Does it mean that Star Wars should try the one-time Netflix style binge-drop?

Greg from New Jersey

“Mads and Lars are like the Kelce brothers of Star Wars” lol

Curtis in Omaha

FYI, Kilgrave in "Jessica Jones" (great show, by the way; at least the first season) was played by David Tennant, aka Huyang! I emailed show@rebelforceradio.com with the same tidbit, but wanted to post here in case it doesn't make the show. I don't know if Huyang is cooler than Obi-Wan, but he's my favorite droid since the OT, for sure.

Blake Weaver

Great conversations. I really liked the callers comments this week. I would also like to hear another RFR commentary. Although I’m sure it’s been done in the past I’d love to hear the OT and PT with commentary. Even listening to Kenobi might nearly kill me like watching that trash fire did. Maybe even revisiting the older making of Star Wars docs like Empire of Dreams would be amazing. I also had similar thoughts as the second caller. I don’t think the Jedi as they were in the PT could last given how involved they got with war and politics. I always thought both sides had to go and reset.


I'm grabbing The Battle of Jakku in tpb next year (6/3/24).

Anthony Sorgani

I agree with Josh from Buffalo, more RFR commentary would be awesome! Would love to see the Prequels or OT, or Andor

Brian Walters

I’m following Historical Society on Facebook now just for the memes! Had some I haven’t seen before.

Sean W. from Warsaw

The way I've always understood the "high ground" bit is how it relates to dueling, not Force powers. I'd like to believe that when powerful Force users face off that there's a certain level of "canceling out" each other's Force powers, ala Dooku and Yoda. There's still a chance, of course, that one or the other could catch his enemy off guard, like in Maul vs Qui-gon and Obi-wan, but take into consideration the "level" of Force users involved, too. Maul was undoubtedly more advanced than Kenobi, a mere Padawan at the time, so it's no wonder he takes him off guard with the Force push not once, but twice. In the Obi-wan and Anakin duel, I'd like to think that they are equals by that point (consider how they both Force pushed each other only because of the impact of the two pushes colliding, causing Anakin to have to resort to putting Obi-wan in a stranglehold physically. For that matter, they could be considered equals in terms of dueling, as well. Both know one another so well by that point, after all. So, for Obi-wan to have high ground seems to be about the only way to break such a stalemate, love it or hate it. That Anakin falls for it seems to prove the point in and of itself as to how much of an advantage it can be just in the sense of dueling. As a matter of historical reference, I know that in ancient times with sword and shield, spear, etc, when armies clashed it was always, always hugely beneficial in terms of strategy to take a hill because it was always tougher for those going up it to fight those at the top. Even in the times of guns, this remained the case. Anyways, just my two cents!


A lot of great topics of conversation this week I loved it ! Jimmy are you sure that you receive the mail sent to https://www.rebelforceradio.com/contact ?

Marco Venturini

Lads just finished listening to the killa episode. Jason & Jimmy you have to get Kyle Brandt on the show he won’t disappoint and Jimmy he got a soft spot for the Bears. 🤙🏼 cheers

Todd “Suds” Sedlacek

Hearing all of the accounting talk in this episode (something very close to my heart), I am reminded of one of the few accountant jokes I know: A mathematician, a Statistician and an Accountant are in for a job interview. The interviewer calls in the mathematician first, the interview goes well and for the last question the interviewer asks, "What does two plus two equal?" The mathematician replies, "Four." The interviewer says great and then calls in the statistician, and after another good interview he asks the same question, "What does two plus two equal?" The statistician says, "With such a small sample size the answer is four give or take point three percent, but on 9 times out of 10 the answer will be four.” Satisfied, the interviewer then calls in the accountant and at the end of the interview poses the same question, "What does two plus two equal?" Very suddenly the accountant gets up, locks the door, closes the shades, disconnects the phone, then approaches the interviewer and asks, "What do you want it to be?"

Ben P. Stein

Catching up on my RFR and thank you so much for playing my Star Wars in Pop Culture reference with John Boyega in the Small Axe series, I enjoyed your comments and it was very gratifying to share it. Thanks also for digging up the subsequent interviews with John in which he comments about the Jedi reference.

Matthew Krahn

Great episode!! Losses for Disney are actually financial wins when they go to settle the books with Uncle Sam, lol! I hope they bring the creativity back like you all have talked about for years

Eric from Phoenix

Please do more commentaries! I love the old ones. From a Star Wars musical standpoint, need to check out the 90’s high school production. The Force awakens lost money? No way that is accurate. It’s totally an accounting scam of some sort.