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  • RFR_Q_A_223_The_Well-R... - audiogram.mp4
  • RFR_Q_A_223_The_Well-R... - audiogram.mp4



STAR WARS stories get told in many different formats and media. From films to comic books to videogames and more, fans have many options when it comes to soaking up STAR WARS storytelling. RFR V.I.P Jonathan Tilley is one of those fans who likes a variety of ways to visit a galaxy far, far away and he makes his Q&A debut this episode! We discuss novels like The High Republic series, the latest STAR WARS streaming series and more!



Eric from Phoenix

Welcome to the party! Looking forward to listening.

Mike James

Cool 1st Q&A! 👍🏻


Well in Jonny boy Great listen Cheers

Turtle Wars

Jimmy, you spelled his last name incorrectly in the description. 👍

Peter Beisser

I look forward to following your Q&A career with great interest, Jonathan. Awesome start.

Simon Yacoby

Great episode as always!

Kyle Burress

Enjoyed this very much! Glad to see another beer drinker in the Q&A! Looking forward to your next appearance!

Turtle Wars

Fun discussion Jonathan! It’s always cool to hear about individual fandoms during VIP Q&A debuts. I’m your Carolina neighbor in the South and a fellow horror lover that grew up in the 70s and 80s. I watched it all, and still do. Have you read the comic Crossed by the same writer of The Boys comic series? Crossed could probably never be properly made into a TV show or movie. It would make The Boys look tame in comparison.


Thank you to everyone and to Jimmy for allowing this very cool experience. I love listening to everyone and look forward to doing some more Star Wars talks! Star Wars, Beer, and conversation go together.


For Crossed, I have looked at a few pages browsing my comic store and there is no way they can do that live. I usually stick with DC, Image, and Marvel Star Wars. Horror movies hold a special place for me and my younger brother since we grew up with it. Always looking forward to a new slasher.

bryce dawson

Love you guys but geode the rock isn’t a Jedi he is a navigator for the ship “the vessel”


I have to say that I don't find the criticism of too many characters in the High Republic very fair. I mean think about Episode I, there were a ton of new characters. The Jedi Council, Qui Gon, Shmi, the podracer pilots, Maul, Padmé and her handmaidens, the soldiers and pilots of Naboo... I think the difference is that in a movie you can see if a character is secondary and so you know you don't necessarily need to remember everyone's name right away, whereas reading a novel it's more complicated to determine right away which characters are going to be important for the sequel and whose name you need to remember. In the High Republic Avar Kriss, Stellan Gios, Elzar Man, Keeve Trennis, Vernestra Rwoh and Marchion Ro are the only true main characters.

Scott St. Louis

Off to a great start, Jonathan! Always great to hear what the new VIPs have to say, and Jimmy is going deep as always. A great start and I can’t wait to hear what you have for us next time Jonathan!

Jon Edmondson

Great to hear another Jonathon from N. C. on here. Im in alexander county in Taylorsville. We used to go camping in mayberry. Love that lil town. Hope you didnt catch to much hell from the storm. Good to know theres other RFR fans close by.

Pastor Yoda

Sooo v <—> vs is basically the same thing, but v is used in legal terms (Miranda v Arizona, Roe v Wade, etc.) where as vs is typically used in competitive matchups. However, in Canada and other countries, “v” reads “and” instead of “vee”… so, “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” would read “Batman and Superman: Dawn of Justice”, which actually makes a lot more sense by the end of the movie 😂

Pastor Yoda

I really think Jimmy needs to rewatch Solo. I enjoyed it on my first run, but didn’t think it was that great. I have re-watched it several times and it has only grown on me more and more with each rewatch. If you doubt Alden’s performance after a couple viewings, go watch “Harrison Ford in Solo (Deepfake)”. He nails his body language and mannerisms perfectly. And after seeing him in a few other things, I am confident that he would he would be able to play an older Han too!


Likewise. Good to see other Carolinians on here. We weren’t affected as bad as western part. Just a lot of trees down and creek spilling over on back roads. Hope you faired alright through the storm since you live near Wilkesboro area.


Kriss, Gios, and Man are some of my favorite characters in the high republic and Star Wars. Elzar arc is truly good because you see him grow and become the complete opposite of what you saw in the first novel and same for Kriss. It’s like they switched roles. Marchion Roe has become one of my favorite villains as well.


Thank you Scott. I look forward to many more and listening to all the other great VIPs


That makes a lot of sense since at the end they were working together against Ninja Turtle Doomsday. Still had a blast seeing them two on big screen together