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  • RFR_Q_A_225_RFR_This_... - audiogram.mp4
  • RFR_Q_A_225_RFR_This_... - audiogram.mp4



RFR has been providing STAR WARS podcasts for over 18 years and it's been a wild ride. RFR V.I.P. Frank Emmanuel returns to the Q&A to recap some memorable moments from our podcasting past. Frank took a casual poll of RFR listeners on Facebook and he presents his results with audio highlights and recollections.



Todd Zissou

This is gonna be fun. 👌🏼

Todd Zissou

Been listening since 2006. 🎧

Curtis in Omaha

This is WILD! Because my cousin (who is 14yrs my senior), just mailed me a lot of his old Star Wars stuff from the 70's...including the Star Wars Storybook with the stills of the Biggs scene you mentioned! I've been meaning to post about it for a couple weeks, and suddenly it gets brought up in a Q&A!! I'll still post some pictures in the main chat at some point, but I had to mention it here. The Force works in mind-bending ways!!

Scott St. Louis

Great show Frank! Wonderful taking the stroll down memory lane with the old days of Forcecast. If you are interested, we would love to have you a part of the BARFF! NH isn’t that far!

Tanya S

My drive up to LA was much more enjoyable thanks to your Q&A! Good stuff, Frank and Jimmy! 👍🏼


Only been listening since 2020 but this is epic pod. Loved so many comments Felt quite emotional when jmac and you discussed how it’s lovely to be with like minded people who mould Star Wars into their lives! We are fully blown subscribers of this. Brill Cheers lads

Pastor Yoda

Doesn’t surprise me that Frank has a podcast! Great voice for radio and a very charismatic character

Rob Strecker

I started listening to the FC around the time of the Mortis Arc and haven't stopped listening to J&J.

Kyle Burress

Welcome back Frank! It was great to hear another Q&A from you. Glad to know you're still around!

Peter Beisser

Loved the trip down Memory Lane. Such much goodness over the years. Thanks for the recap, Frank! 🍻

Frank Emanuele

Scott, I would love to be part of it! I’m in Boston/cambridge all the time. Let me know the best way to get in touch!

Frank Emanuele

Did anyone ever find that “orchestra leader Palpatine” thing Jimmy was talking about?

Todd “Suds” Sedlacek

Being a relatively recent regular listener (since 2020), this was a great look into the history of the show for me. Also, Frank has great pipes!!

Eric from Phoenix

Frank, welcome back! Great topic and not something I ever would’ve thought of. I’ve only been listening since 2015 so it was fun to hear about some of the Forcecast stuff.

Sean W. from Warsaw

I'm coming to this one several weeks late. Lol But I had been wanting to listen to this one for ages because of how much history you go through. Stories I never heard before, especially since I've only been listening since around the time of TLJ or later. The one about the moon through me for a loop pretty bad! Wow. Thanks so much for sharing guys!