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  • RFR_Q_A_231_Star_Wars... - audiogram.mp4
  • RFR_Q_A_231_Star_Wars... - audiogram.mp4



Last year, a rumor was swirling that a "What If"-type show was being developed for Disney+. Those rumors turned out to be the animated "LEGO STAR WARS: Rebuild The Galaxy" special, that presents a galaxy far, far away in a way we've never seen before. From Darth Jar Jar to Jedi Jabba, the show presented us with characters and scenarios that were familiar, but quite different. RFR V.I.P. Rob O from Chicago joins us for a look back at another "What If"-type STAR WARS story as told in the pages of Dark Horse Comics "Star Wars Infinities" stories from the early-2000s. We go thru the entire 4 issue arc retelling of "A New Hope", specifically, what if Luke Skywalker failed to destroy the original Death Star?

Sorry, no video for this one, but there is a PDF folder of the 4 issue arc attached to this post so you can follow along with us!



Anthony Sorgani

Great episode guys! I’m in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, happy to call claimsies on one of the ornaments and or the senator palpatine figure 🤙🏻

Jake Bentz

This was great! Glad to hear this is a new thing! Ready for the next one guys!

Kyle Burress

I've never read the Infinities so it was great to hear about the New Hope Ones. I suggest you guys go back, record the video with the audio and just move your mouths whenever you speak! 😂

Pepper Spray Johnny

lol We love you Jimmy Mac! Stay silly and never change! ❤️

Gavin Hatch

My wife and I just got married in November, so our Christmas tree was pretty bare this year. We’d love to take the R2 Ornament or the Qui-Gon Ornament to start the collection if it’s still available! Great episode guys!

Turtle Wars (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-30 02:49:53 Another great episode, even without the video! I just listened to the entire thing during a drive. Man, I think that Infinities story would have been really cool to see in live action, and may have actually been better than what we got from the OT. I’d have to say that Rebels is definitely my favorite thing from the Disney era so far. Although, Rogue One and the Mandalorian are a close second. I don’t really include Clone Wars season 7 as Disney era, but more finishing what was already underway before the LF sale. That was nice of you to gift your SW stuff to the group Rob. Jimmy, when is the last time you forgot to hit the record button on a Q&A? That was surprising! Hope you didn’t get a concussion from hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. And you made it over 2 hours without saying Joe once!
2025-01-30 00:24:52 Another great episode, even without the video! I just listened to the entire thing during a drive. Man, I think that Infinities story would have been really cool to see in live action, and may have actually been better than what we got from the OT. I’d have to say that Rebels is definitely my favorite thing from the Disney era so far. Although, Rogue One and the Mandalorian are a close second. I don’t really include Clone Wars season 7 as Disney era, but more finishing what was already in development before the LF sale. That was nice of you to gift your SW stuff to the group Rob. Jimmy, when is the last time you forgot to hit the record button on a Q&A? That was surprising! Hope you didn’t get a concussion from hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. And you made it over 2 hours without saying Joe once!

Another great episode, even without the video! I just listened to the entire thing during a drive. Man, I think that Infinities story would have been really cool to see in live action, and may have actually been better than what we got from the OT. I’d have to say that Rebels is definitely my favorite thing from the Disney era so far. Although, Rogue One and the Mandalorian are a close second. I don’t really include Clone Wars season 7 as Disney era, but more finishing what was already in development before the LF sale. That was nice of you to gift your SW stuff to the group Rob. Jimmy, when is the last time you forgot to hit the record button on a Q&A? That was surprising! Hope you didn’t get a concussion from hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. And you made it over 2 hours without saying Joe once!

RobO from ChicagO

You pick which one you want! Just fyi I’m leaving out of the country on Sunday for two weeks, so I’ll figure out how to get it to ya when I get back.

RobO from ChicagO

I’ll figure out how to get ya one, I’ll be out of country starting Sunday for two weeks and will reach out when I get back!

RobO from ChicagO

I think after that one episode when he called me Joe like three times it got out of his system.

Gavin Hatch

Sounds good. I’m on the RFR Facebook if you want to reach out there. Safe travels brotha!


Great pod cheers And very generous of you to offer your swag out. Classic line “it was a killer episode… ahhh…. “ before the lack of pressing record became apparent! Rob o’s pods live long in the memory what with this and being called by the name of Joe in his last one!

Curtis in Omaha

Claimsies on either ornament, if they're still around? They'll go up every year in our home.


Ord Mantell is where the Bad Batch hang out!

Scott Osterkamp

I checked for video a few times because it was mentioned and just hit the end and straight belly laughed as to why! Great show guys as always!

Curtis in Omaha

I had a blast listening to this episode! I was driving around delivering the mail (as usual), and I can't remember the last time I was leaning in so much to hear what happened next. I never read the Infinity comics, so you guys were actually bringing a whole new story to life for me. It was great! I can't wait for the Empire and Jedi installments. This could easily become a side podcast of its own, separate from Q&A. Jimmy and RobO just bring comic stories to all of us who don't read them. There are probably legal restrictions on that, but... Disney's not paying attention to us, right? RobO, your Yoda impression is legit. And the Penguin analysis was spot on. I hereby officially request that RobO gets the next two Q&A slots, because I'm dying to hear the next two installments! Even if he has to record from overseas.

Todd “Suds” Sedlacek

Great episode! Never did read the infinities comics back in the day but I’m definitely going to check them out now. And when Jimmy got your name right when introducing you I yelled “Yayy!! Jimmy Mac got it right!!”

Scott St. Louis

Suds, I would recommend the Star Wars Infinities “Epic Collection.” you can find it on Amazon or eBay. It has all three movie versions of the Infinities, and The Star Wars, the comic based on the first draft— what we could’ve seen. It’s a little pricey, in the $50 range but a fun read!

Peter Beisser

Felt like I was listening to a radio drama. Good stuff guys!

RobO from ChicagO

Thought Jimmy did a great job narrating! And thanks about the Yoda impression, it’s the only Star Wars character I can do semi-decent.

RobO from ChicagO

Hey Curtis I’m just going in order, I think Anthony S. said he wanted an ornament or the Palps figure, depending on what he chooses, Gavin Hatch took claim for an ornament also. If one is available, I gotchu.

Curtis in Omaha

That's cool. I didn't scroll thru the responses until after I posted my reply, and I saw they had first dibs. By all means, they can have them. Any takers on the blue saber chopsticks? I just got a green set for Christmas myself, and I think my daughter already burned out the battery on one. 😂

Scott St. Louis

I love this episode! Infinities was such a great and creative “What if..?” take on Star Wars. I am already looking forward to the next one. Great job guys!

Joe Dallas

Great sign off RobO!

Eric from Phoenix

Great time with Rob O! You nailed Book of Boba Fett. Lots of fun stuff but just didn’t work overall. The Star Wars Infinites discussion was fun. I remember knowing about the series but I never read any of them. Wasn’t there a British Marvel series in the 80’s that was a what if type series? I tried finding information on it with no luck so I’m probably remembering incorrectly. Cerveza Cristal!!

Tanya S

Such a fun episode, RobO from ChicagO! Your Yoda impersonation is top notch! Cheers!

Justin Miller (edited)

Comment edits

2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-07 04:57:55 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2
2025-02-06 02:07:18 He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2

He said Luke is the master of his domain. Seinfeld reference anyone? Well the only other option is Yoda and R2