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The hosts of Rebel Force Radio look back to the beginning of their podcast career, starting with The ForceCast. Jason Swank, Pete Nadel, Dustin Roberts


When The Galaxy Listens: The Series: Episode 5

Origin Stories Part 1: The hosts of Rebel Force Radio look back to the beginning of their podcast career, starting with The ForceCast. Jason Swank, Pete Nadel, Dustin Roberts


Adam Taylor

Always brings warm feelings to my heart, when I see Pete. That was such an amazing time (not necessarily for Star Wars because as far as we knew, the last ever film was ROTS) but an amazing time for my fandom. The FC opened a door to the most amazing expansive universe of friends and content, it was the catalyst that made me the fan I am today.

Alexander Gates

Love these behind the scenes stories and history! It's amazing how far you've come, thank you!

Justin Brady

I forgot about the "handles"! haha, It's great to hear the behind the scenes of how it all started.