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It's all Star Wars for this edition of Rush Hour as we break down the exclusive news from The Hollywood Reporter informing us that, yes, an Obi-Wan Kenobi stand alone film is in the works. We talk about what we expect to see in the film and what we think the story may entail. We also look back at some of Ben Kenobi's hermit adventures as told in animation, novels, and comics. 



Adam Taylor

This truly is the bread and butter of RFR chatting and predicting future Star Wars and it's characters. Thanks again guys

Chris Hansford

Thanks guys for this spur of the moment episode. Why your the Best!

Matt Cunningham

LOVE the idea of juxtaposing Obi Wan in exile with rise of Vader - and also something like the 'Twin Suns' episode . . . to take it further: Sam Witwer, in the flesh, as Darth Maul, kneeling in the desert screaming "Ken-o-biiiiiiiii-ahhhhhhhh!"

Brian Frith

Love to see Maul and Kenobi in the flesh one last time!