Anthony Daniels: "Having Threepio As My Best Friend" (Enhanced Interview) (Patreon)
Anthony Daniels was visiting Chicago for the opening of STAR WARS: WHEN SCIENCE MEETS IMAGINATION at the Museum of Science & Industry when he stopped by the CBS Radio studios for a conversation with Jimmy Mac. Anthony opened up about playing the iconic STAR WARS character and revealed many heartfelt stories about working with George Lucas and working inside the cumbersome C-3PO droid suit. Anthony also gives us suggestions for some great "freeze frame" moments during Threepio's oil bath in A NEW HOPE, and talks about the challenges of having Artoo as his sidekick. But through it all, it is obvious Anthony still has a very fond spot in his heart for the famous, yet fussy, protocol droid.
Enjoy this classic IN THE CANTINA interview enhanced with a cool slideshow of in-studio photos & famous C-3PO moments.