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The 2019 Holiday Season is upon us and we here at Rebel Force Radio love to celebrate Christmas, Star Wars-style. So, we've once again gathered an all new collection of songs for the season in a galaxy far, far away. From the North Pole to Hoth, we have you covered with a ton of fun songs and parodies for your listening pleasure as you put Artoo Detoo lights and Yoda ornaments on your tree. 

Look for RFR Stocking Stuffer Vol 1-3 at our website! 



w. greg simmons

Yes!! Stocking stuffers Vol 1-3 have been in my family's regular Christmas music rotation for some time... I take pride that my 6 year old goes around singing "what do you getting a wookiee for Christmas when he already has a comb?" and the "12 days of Christmas the clone wars gave to me" during this time of year

Steven Land

Having only recently seen Frozen on Disney+ That let it flow song killed me!

Steven Land

Seriously I don't know when I have laughed out loud so much on the drive into the office. The other selections are also fantastic great job on this stocking stuffer guys.

Jared Cantor

I loved vols 1-3 last year and for a moment thought this was just a re-release. When I saw it was new, I got so excited!

Jimmy Thomas

Great stuff! And a special shout out for "O Palpatine" and for the "Jango Bells" mash-up. Great guitar work. It made me think of the other John Williams. :-)

Eric from Phoenix

My gosh, hilarious. The Frozen one I had never heard before. Listening to the rest at work today since I’m one of the few that’s working.