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I couldn't wait for you guys to be the first to hear this week's all-new RFR. It's a solid boost of positive Star Wars vibes that we all need. ENJOY!  - Jimmy Mac



Alexander Gates

Mahalo for the super early drop, I’ll be listening first thing tomorrow morning!🍻

Bianca from Michigan

Thanks Jimmy!! A much needed escape from my (new) normal work day (in my living room).

Blake Weaver

Thanks for reading that letter at the beginning J-Mac. While my circumstances are different from the young guy I’m only 3 years older and I can relate to how he feels about the OT and RFR adding so much to my fandom.

Brooks P

Thanks Jimmy! Look forward to checking it out today.

River Martin

Thanks jimmy. Really nice interview

Robert Iannello

Really touched by the letter at the beginning of the podcast. Glad to know we have some fantastic Star Wars big brothers in Jimmy and Jason. Hope you guys continue for another 14 years and beyond.

Peter Beisser

I cried when JMac read that letter. I'm an only child of divorce. Visited my dad every other weekend in the 80s. My only friends there were my original trilogy VHS. They saved me. Why I still care about SW. Why this podcast has meant so much to me. Got more friends than I know what to do with now. But I know I have buddies here that speak the special language of my childhood.

Eric from Phoenix

I won’t be able to listen until I run tonight but man I’m really intrigued now. Looking forward to hearing the show.

Jeff Ulicny

Anybody else have this stuck in their head after the interview? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqZEp4Fb6qw

Sean W. from Warsaw

That letter from Dave was by far some of the most honest and touching feedback about...well anything I've ever heard in entertainment. That was incredibly encouraging to hear that something like Star Wars can have such an impact. I'll share a bit about my own childhood and connection to Star Wars. I grew up in a household that saw a lot of alcohol abuse, sadly. And I remember I was introduced to Star Wars when I was 10 (I'm 35 now). I remember I got the Special Editions not too long after I was introduced to it, and that's ingrained in my mind because of how upset I'd get in my household and how I'd turn to Star Wars for a source of comfort. I remember storming out of the house one night while ANH was playing once. It stayed on the TV and I just watched it from the solitude of the night, just trying to keep my cool and not give into the darkness within. A lot of people have their hangups with the special editions, but I'm not one of them for this specific reason. Got me through some of the hardesr times of my life. Very comforting to hear Dave's story, and others who've chimed in here on the Patreon feed. I knew you guys were out there, I just never came across any before. :D

Sean W. from Warsaw

All of this reminds me of an interview I saw with Adam West, the guy who played Batman on TV in the 60s. He once said that the stories that always impacted him most from fans were those in which the individual would say they grew up without a dad, but that he (Adam West) was their dad. Stories can have a profound impact on a person's character. I've never seen it proven as strong as here or in what we've all been discussing.

Eric from Phoenix

Great episode guys! Chris was amazing and truly seems like a great ambassador for Star Wars. What a great guy! JMac, thanks for sharing that letter. Awesome to hear that he has found a place where he can learn about what it was like back when the OT aired. Keep up the great work!!

Josh Bennett-Tomlin

Incredible show. Yet again you guys show why you’re the best in the business. That letter from Dave really hit hard, Thank you for sharing it.

Alan Wills

Really enjoyed the “Rebel Force Video” interview of Chris Bartlett on YouTube. Such a nice guy, as was Dominic Pace in the previous show. I echo the comments above about Jimmy’s response to the letter you received. RFR has got me through some tough times, which I’ll try to articulate in a submission to a future comlink episode. It will be hard to express what RFR means to me in just 90 seconds though :)

Jared Cantor

Not only is RFR a welcome respite these days, but the show has been firing on all cylinders. First was the amazing clone wars victory lap and all those amazing interviews. Then you follow it up with the interviews the last two weeks with cast from the Mandalorian (and Emily Swallow earlier). To me, this demonstrates the excellence of Jason and Jimmy as hosts and that the reputation of RFR as THE Star Wars podcast remains intact.

David Bullat

I live by myself in Los Angeles and putting you guys on while I’m working from home makes me feel like I have two SW buddies in the other room. Keep doin what your doin because it’s great and we all love it! Thanks!