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S4 E22 


Savage and Maul, now reunited, pursue Obi-Wan Kenobi in search of revenge, and the Jedi Knight finds himself forced to unite with a surprising ally to defend against the deadly siblings

Season four comes to a wicked conclusion as the return of Darth Maul brings back Mother Talzin and a long-awaited reunion between Maul and Kenobi. Joining us at the roundtable for this incredible season finale are Kyle Newman, Paul Bateman and Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo. 



Timothy Parkans

Careful on the numbering JMac! Thank you but get some sleep!

David Fieldsend

Good point jimmy about the similar hand gestures of mother talzin and from the mortis arc. Good show again! I cant wait to hear the review of the season 5 episode “the lawless”


Listening back to this confirms thoughts I had a few years ago. Kyle Newman should be in that writer’s room, AT LEAST!