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We're so close to hitting our first Milestone Goal for Jimmy Mac's Star Wars Room! Jimmy and I (Tyler) have already begun setting up production time for the series, so expect to hear more once we hit that goal! We're also in the planning stages to release pilots for ALL of the potential Patreon-funded shows. We'll have more info for you guys soon!

Thanks again for your support! 



BJ Smith

so uh, this was in March. Did it happen? Goal reached? Or maybe it isn't ready yet?

Will Landess

Just moved and need some ideas for new SW room...love to see this. Thx

Rebel Force Radio

We will be providing episodes of this show soon. Production is underway. Look for more updates this summer!

Adam Marc Leonard

My pledge puts you guys at the $750 mark. Let the tours begin!!!!!

Jared Cantor

Amen. I put them over 750 months ago, then we dropped below. Thanks for putting us back over again...now hopefully content is forthcoming...

John Riley

I see a Death Star playset in the background.

Jared Cantor

wish this was happening sometime soon....

Will Landess

Thanks for the update! I also expect to see some open Little Debbie wrappers with collection. Love the show...and Little Debbie!