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There have been many relatives of Han Solo featured in STAR WARS storytelling, but do you recall Ania Solo? She was the star of a short lived follow-up to the Cade Skywalker story as told in STAR WARS LEGACY. Dark Horse introduced fans to Ania in one of the final arcs produced by the company before the comic book license reverted back to Marvel. RFR V.I.P. Craig Wehr returns to the Q&A to lead a conversation about this oft-forgotten tale set in the STAR WARS universe over 130 years beyond the Original Trilogy. 



Rebel Force Radio

Thanks to everyone who stuck around and continued to support us into November. We'll make it worthwhile with a ton of bonus podcasts this week!

Sean W. from Warsaw

Oh wow, I've never even heard of this character before! Usually I'll at least have caught wind of something even if I've never read about the character, but this blew me out of the water. I gotta check this out, for sure!

Sean W. from Warsaw

Cool beans, Jimmy! Looking forward to whenever the next round of Q&A's happens, too. You're a machine, Jimmy!

Kent Beard

Same here Sean, I'm not completely surprised as I was never into comic books or any books for that matter. If the Star Wars story never made it to an audiobook, I don't know about it. My ADD won't let me sit and read for very long.. :(

Blake Weaver

Great listen guys. Never heard of these stories so it was interesting to listen to. And Jimmy give Knights of the Old Republic a try on the PC! It’s one of my top 3 games of all time. Wonderful characters, story, and even soundtrack for the time.

Sean W. from Warsaw

I wholeheartedly agree...yet it's also a pretty slow game for someone who's not used to rpg sorts, like Jimmy mentioned before, I think. I can see where he's coming from, if so. But man, it's be sweet if he had a change of heart! I'd love to see him get into it. Then again, he might not get too into the story either.... I remember him saying something about his approach to SW games' stories as just something fun that he doesn't get too into, as per the Jedi: Fallen Order game. But hey, a man can dream! Some of these games have such a cinematic story to them that they really are worthy of being taken more seriously, and Kotor is at the top of that list. Feels like an important part of the whole mythology, no less than the Tales of the Jedi comics, which are what inspired these games.

Antonio from NJ

Ok random cross over coolness my wifes name is Honeah, an obscure Pakistani name. Ania and Honeah are pronounced incredibly similar! She got super excited when she heard Anias name.

Eric from Phoenix

Nice work Craig! This is what is so fun with the Q and A shows, they are all so different. I had no idea this character existed. I most likely won’t ever read the comic but I had fun learning about it.

Marc Groundrunner

Thanks for the Ania Solo DH comic 101 - I didn't know i had missed this one! I almost finished the LEGACY series, went up to book 9. Those Dark Horse comics were great to read!