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The RFR Early Bird is here to give you ALL ACCESS to fresh video of the latest episode of RFR before anyone else!

Insider information was revealed this week providing more insight into the demise of ROGUE SQUADRON and other recent Lucasfilm fails, we've got highlights from a recent Adam Driver interview, new STAR WARS voices are available on TikTok including See Threepio, our Force Spirits conversation continues, Randy Newman sings STAR WARS songs, and our annual look back at the STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL.


RFR Full Show Video: November 18, 2021

Insider information was revealed this week providing more insight into the demise of ROGUE SQUADRON and other recent Lucasfilm fails, we've got highlights from a recent Adam Driver interview, new STAR WARS voices are available on TikTok including See Threepio, our Force Spirits conversation continues, Randy Newman sings STAR WARS songs, and our annual look back at the STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL.


Adam Taylor

Need this, this weeks been a grueller 😎❤️👍🏻

Bianca from Michigan

Thanks guys! Always a welcome sight in my notifications! 🤘🏼


Another great vid. I do think a lot of these directors who are eager to make a Star Wars movie don’t always understand that there’s more to Star Wars than the cool trimmings. I don’t think there’s been any major casualties in the directors that have been fired.

Mike Downs

Do we all need to chip in to get Jimmy Mac a new camera? Or is it a bandwidth issue? Night and day difference between his camera and Jason's. Great show as always!

Jeff Holland

I’m not gonna lie, but I’d like to see a dedicated part of each weekly RFR in which JMac goes off/rants about LFL/KK’s missteps, etc. 😂