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Who doesn't enjoy a good old fashioned family game night? And when it's STAR WARS inspired, it's even better! RFR V.I.P Mark Groundrunner is back on the Q&A and he brought along his whole family, all of them big STAR WARS fans. Mark's wife Steph has a lot to say about the sequel trilogy and his boys love playing with STAR WARS toys. The Groundrunners are also fond of playing Star Wars Trivial Pursuit so expect a little trivia quiz here and there throughout the conversation! 



Alexander Gates

Sounds like a super fun idea for an episode, looking forward to listening!

Marc Groundrunner

Woohoo! 🎉 🥳 Hope you all enjoy, Stephanie and boys had a blast, can’t wait for them to listen to the show now 😬


Good convo on what made Rey a confusing character.

Jeff Holland

Can’t wait to listen to this one! LOVED SW trivial pursuit! I have it somewhere in my archives. Didn’t ever play it that much because my friends (who weren’t into SW as much as I am) hated playing me because they’d always lose. 😂

Sean W. from Warsaw

I had no idea we Q&A hosts could bring in family and such! Total game changer!

Kirk Leppert

Leia’s a bad girl!

John Riley

I enjoyed hearing hearing Mrs Patreon Supporter in this one! And especially her take that Rey and Kylo came across to her as siblings. Another good take on why Reylo just, didn’t, work.

Sean W. from Warsaw

That sibling idea was quite eye opening. I gotta give that one some thought. I have some ideas about the whole dyad thing I wanna explore a bit more, maybe on a Q&A episode one day. I think the kiss was definitely not the best idea, yet somehow all this time later I've been at least willing to listen to good ideas about it, even while not being in agreement. I like being challenged too much to not listen to a good idea. Lol Anyways, really good thoughts from the Groundrunners throughout this episode! I'm not finished listening yet, about at the hour mark, but I'm totally digging the prequel discussion about Yoda and how it was such a game changer to have seen him having failed an apprentice of his own. Never really made that connection coming into the prequels for the first time or since. Never ceases to amaze me how many more layers there are to peel back on the prequels!

Sean W. from Warsaw

I've had a thought about Luke in the ST I've had floatin' around in my head for a while and thought to get some input. Him being on that island and having those books. What if he was just trying to preserve as much knowledge of the Jedi as possible over the years and those books were the most treasured items he found? Thematically, I think it works due to him wanting to start over. But wouldn't the books serve as more of a symbol? They're the original sacred texts of the order, so they represent a lot of deep spiritual stuff. It would almost be like he's saying he's got the last Bible or something and he wants to burn it. Anyways, I guess for myself it always seemed like he was in deep conflict: He pushed himself away from the Force and the Jedi because he was guilty about his nephew; but at the same time he was a Jedi at heart and couldn't really let go of the Jedi ways and bring himself to burn the books or die. I see him as a man in purgatory, a sort of state of limbo as he's trying to find absolution for his sins, as it were. I think at first he came there to just find the beginnings of the Jedi Order for academic and spiritual reasons, went there after his betrayal of his nephew to seek solace in the Force at the most holy place for the Jedi, but became a tortured soul who couldn't forgive himself even while bein unable to truly walk away because of his good heart. Just thoughts. Anyone else have anything? Been wondering about this for a long time.

Eric from Phoenix

Wow, great job Mark and family. Such a fun episode. What a great family and Steph was a natural. Here are some random comments: Didn’t it seem like Han knew who Rey was? It did to me. I never thought of Rey being a Skywalker through marrying Ben (with the kiss). Interesting. I love the Bible knowledge. The Pharisees’ hearts were hardened and totally missed who Jesus was even though they had known that he was coming. I like how Steph compared that to the Jedi, the chosen one and the dark side. Han Solo being a dead beat dad? Luke being “get off my lawn” guy? Just a couple things that didn’t make sense to me about the sequels. I thought Mark gave a great performance but agree that wasn’t the Luke from the original trilogy. Once again, great job Jimmy, Mark and family!

RobO from ChicagO

I agree with most of what you said, I think originally he went there to look for answers on the formation of the Jedi, distraught with the falling of Ben. I don’t think he found the answers he was looking for or he determined that most of the Jedi’s teachings led to some of the worst sith (Anakin, Ben). After coming to that determination he decided the Jedi must end with him, cutting himself off from the force. If I’m not mistaken in one of the books it says the white robes he was wearing at the end of TFA were “ceremonial” robes, so I think he was actually either going to commit suicide or just naturally die until Rey showed up. End the Jedi lineage where it all began.

Marc Groundrunner

steph here Thank you john! @brian I totally squinted my eyes in disgust at that kiss! @sean, so many layers to peal back still i agree. I am always willing to change my opinion at a good idea too!

Marc Groundrunner

@sean I think the guilt of Luke was how the last Jedi was justifying him remaining on this deserted island but I hadn't thought of it as a purgatory, that interesting. I think from the get go though that whole story line and his behavior contradicted how I would have expected Luke to be.

Marc Groundrunner

@ RobO steph here! wow tha'ts some interesting ideas. This actually does make sense with Luke how i understand him. The idea that sacrificing his life was what he had to do if he ultimately found the jedi teachings lead to those sith, and the idea of waiting to die hu....hadn't thought of it like that before but it makes sense! even snook tells kylo "skywalker lives, the seed of the jedi order lives and as long as he does hope lives" in my personal opinion thats arrogant and possibly naïve outlook on the force because the fore would bring balance i believe but following that train of thought if luke truly thought the jedi way was going to create worse sith than ya i totally see him as hoping to die in his ceremonial robes. gives me a lot to think about

Marc Groundrunner

@ Eric, steph here. YESS!! 100 percent to the Han solo being a dead beat dad!! I am not ashamed to admit he was a total heartthrob in this young girls eyes and the crushing reality that he was a dad deserving of such a treacherous death, ugh! i hate it. and luke being a get off my lawn oh my gosh yes hahaha why!!! i literally had a neighbor old man yell at us kids everyday "get off my grass!!" but there was no side walk so we literally walked on his grass everyday lol that grumpy guy ...thats who is luke now! noo. I can't believe they went there with those characters! PS Side note, Thanks so much Jimmy for having us I was feeling like we were just talking to a friend that I had spaced out we were being recorded and was slightly mortified when I realized at the end that people would hear my voice and what if i said dumb stuff (cue the home alone scream) thanks for the discussion all!

Marc Groundrunner

Thank you! I should have recorded a reaction video of Stephanie listening to herself for the first time on a podcast, lol :-P She was great, I am lucky to have her as we grow our Jedi family! The boys had a blast also, we will have to come back again :)

Sean W. from Warsaw

I guess for myself, Luke is so good at heart that I could see him really being screwed up for the fall of his nephew, but especially for the deaths of many of his own students on his watch. I can believe that he'd be the type to seek absolution for something that bad by going off to be alone in the Force, at least for a time. He seemed to be at a very different level of spirituality by the end of ROTJ, after all. I think there was probably something very special to the original Jedi temple, and even to those Jedi books, that he went there of all places to find that inner balance again. The way I see it, it's not too different from in the real world where a lot of people have made pilgrimages to holy sites to cleanse their souls. Some people have even gone to become monks and literally live on the top of a mountain alone to cleanse their souls. I think there was probably a real power in that Jedi temple and even those books to help him in this. My thinking is he was probably at war with his own inner demons so much that he almost lost that battle in large part because he was alone. I think if he allowed himself to have someone like Leia around it probably wouldn't have been so bad for him. But how do you tell your own sister you were responsible for her son's fall from grace, and that because of your own actions he went on to murder a ton of people under your own protection...? I could see someone like Luke being pretty strongly impacted by that. Good stuff to think about!

Sean W. from Warsaw

You did really well! It's official: You gotta keep providing some great insights with your husband, now. :D

Sean W. from Warsaw

I have another thought I've been kicking around for a while, and I forgot about it up until you were talking about the Rey as a sibling idea. What if, in some ways, Rey kind of represent Leia; the story of Leia we never got to see but always wanted to? Now obviously you can't go too far with it! The kiss scene alone would mess that up! But in general, what if she does represent Leia a bit? In TROS, even Luke tells her how Leia wanted to pass her saber on to someone who could finish her journey for her. I always found that statement rather profound. Why would Leia want someone to finish her journey for her? Leia obviously thought the right person had to come along to do this; not just anyone could. In some ways, it speaks to the way the Force works through people; and it speaks to Leia's own spiritual journey. It's something really subtle and maybe a little too downplayed. Like you, I am a big Leia fan and have always wanted to see Leia's journey in the Force. It is there, to an extent, but I think it's reflected more through Rey. There's a lot of talk about how her son impacted Han and Luke, but we don't get a lot of talk about Leia's side of the story. Maybe an answer can be found in how she sees herself in Rey, somehow, and vice-versa? The two have a pretty strong bond, after all, the likes of which we don't really see between her and Han or her and Luke. Almost like Rey is the daughter Leia always wanted to have; and Leia is the mother Rey always wanted, barely remembering her own mother. The Force clearly brought those two together for a spiritual purpose, and in part for Leia's own journey, I believe. Her grief over her son is a pretty interesting part of this story, and something she's carried with her in her own way for many years before Rey, and undoubtedly, if we ever got to see into her mind, I'd bet she wished she had done many things better or differently. My guess is, because she told Luke herself to save that saber in case the right person would come along to finish her journey for her, my guess is that she wished she hadn't stopped her training in the first place, especially to have stopped it out of fear of her vision of the future in which she kills her son. I think she regretted not becoming a Jedi, though I think she probably believed her reasons for giving it up were sound, at least at the time she made that choice. Anyways, what do you guys think about this idea that Rey represents Leia in some ways?

Brian Koehler

Fun episode! Really fun to hear about a family with the kids engaged in the fandom and collecting. On the point of conversation regarding Luke going to find the last Jedi temple but not reading the books, I think it's pretty clear in the movie that his intent was to end the Jedi but he couldn't bring himself to do it on repeated occasions. He meant for no one else to read those books because he felt the Jedi were flawed and their continuation would only perpetuate more of the cyclical destruction he perceived the Order being responsible for. Ultimately, Luke is reminded that the Jedi could have a purpose to create hope and provide inspiration for the galaxy.


Don't binge. Take your time regardless of streaming services have shows all at once.


Awesome episode. I think Yoda's flipping around is his power. Speed kills.


Steff was of the chain awesome.

Alex White

I know I'm late to the party, but I gotta get caught up eventually. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Steph brought some hard hitting questions that offered perspective on the sequels I hadn't considered. Hope to hear from the Groundrunner family again soon.