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Here's this week's all-new Rebel Force Radio!

We look closely at fresh footage from THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT via new video promos, along with casting rumors for AHSOKA. We welcome the first ever STAR TREK actor to join us on RFR! Chase Masterson (Leeta from DS9) and author Carrie Goldman join us In The Cantina to discuss their anti-bullying initiative Pop Culture Hero Coalition. Carrie also gives us an update on her daughter Katie “The Star Wars Girl” and Chase shares some great Peter Mayhew memories. Baby Yoda was featured at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade and we review the little guy's big appearance. Plus, Bill Burr compares STAR WARS fans to sports fans and more.



Tripp Fuller

What a wonderful episode! Wasn’t expecting to tear up while packing my bullied kid’s lunch. Thank you.

Jeff Holland

Maybe the twi'lek that Jennifer Beals plays is an old flame of Boba. If you remember in ROTJ, one of the new scenes that GL put in was Boba playing a ladies man with some of Janna’s dancers.

Peter Beisser

No buzz kill here, but is anyone else out there not that juiced for "TBoBF" still? Don't think it'll be a stinker by any means. But something just isn't there for me yet.

Brian Robinson

I'm juiced, can't wait for Boba Fett. I'm too old school, my sensitivity for bullying is minimal, so I skipped past quite a bit of that conversation.

RobO from ChicagO

Kinda agree, huge Boba Fan, but I feel like what they’re doing to his character is not him. The trailers haven’t given up anything so I’ll withhold judgement.

Rebel Force Radio

That's the effect of it being too much like The Mandalorian in tone and visuals. We've been there and done that. I'll still be the first to watch and probably love the series, but it lacks the "big splash" of The Mandalorian because we've already see it before. -JMac

Kurt Shimala

Do we think the Tuskens in the sand storm is the same “deleted scene” sandstorm from ROTJ? Meaning, maybe Boba gets out of the Sarlacc fairly quickly after the barge battle? (Then as I’m typing this, thinking they’ll find that herd of Banthas inserted in the Special Edition.)

Eric from Phoenix

Couldn’t agree more Peter. Boba Fett is my favorite character but I’m spoiled with two season of The Mandalorian. If this had been the first series and seeing these scenes I would be losing my mind. Like I did for the footage shown of The Mandalorian at Celebration Chicago.

jediantilles .

All episodes are great but this one was one of the best in awhile, great discussion and interview! And as always great breakdown of the trailer!

Patrick Palen

Loved this episode's energy and banter. Great interview too! Thank you for sharing the cause.

Eric from Phoenix

Great show guys. I couldn’t agree more with Jason about the Gamorrean Guards in The Mandalorian and Book of Fett. They definitely aren’t as meaty :). I’m guessing they had to do this to give them more mobility (the fight scene). One of the things that always bothered me about the original Gamorrean costumes were the hands. You can totally tell the the actor’s real fingers aren’t in the costume glove fingers. In fact there are a couple scenes where you see their fingers get pulled in awkward directions. I know this is totally nit picky. We were at Celebration 4 and were outside for the jet pack guy. When he took off it was so loud and we were a ways away from him. I think I still have ringing in my ears :)

Mark O'Brien

Great interview folks!!

Jeff LeCrone

I disagree that the Ithorian in the Boba trailer sounds like Pedro. There’s a similar audio quality to each, but I think that’s only because the voices are similarly distorted by the in-universe technology (Din’s through the helmet, and the Ithorian’s through the translator). I think it was just an unhappy accident that the distortion makes them sound similar. And here’s some evidence in support of that hypothesis: If you listen very closely to that clip, you can hear the jibberish of the Ithorian’s native language in the background.