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George Lucas made a few very obvious references to DUNE in his STAR WARS films. In the wake of the new DUNE film release from director Denis Villeneuve, RFR V.I.P. Matt Rashid returns to the Q&A to review the film with an eye on the connections between DUNE and STAR WARS. Plus, STAR WARS collecting talk and some RFR Patreon behind-the-scenes discussion. 



Brian Robinson

Nice, there are definitely similarities and for sure influences. This will be a great discussion.

Rav Vadgama

There's a great story doing the rounds of the Dune production team meeting up with the ROS team in the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan. They were filming at the same time in the same place, and wanted to avoid using the same shots. An amicable sharing of info apparently. Here: https://www.indiewire.com/2021/11/denis-villeneuve-met-star-wars-team-prevent-crossover-1234682290/

Jared Cantor

Great timing! I'm stuck in bed sick so this is perfect

RobO from ChicagO

Was waiting for some Dune talk. Really enjoyed the new movie.

Patrick Palen

This was so entertaining to listen to! You guys have great on-air chemistry and are very natural.

Patrick Palen

I was stuck at work cleaning a gross restroom mess for almost an hour, so this helped me survive haha

Sean W. from Warsaw

I thought some of those locations looked familiar for some reason, but couldn't figure out why. I thought it may have been from ANH, myself. Interesting!

Sean W. from Warsaw

So my wife and I prepped hardcore for the new movie before seeing it. We watched the old 1984 movie, which neither of us had seen (loved it!); both early 2000's miniseries, which she had never seen but I've always been a huge fan of (we both loved it!), been reading the books (and loving it!), and we were all excited for the film and...we didn't love it.... :( lol We didn't hate it either, but we weren't necessarily blown away by it. Thought it changed up maybe a little too much, while being amazingly faithful to other parts of it. Kind of a weird mix. That being said, though, Jason Mamoa needs to be in a Star Wars film! He did an amazing job with his character and I can easily see him slipping into like a smuggler type role with a sword. Lol Dune is an amazing story, the influences on Star Wars are clear. So glad Matt decided to approach this topic at this time! Can't wait to listen!

Trevor Hallam

Would absolutely love a Q and A with several of the VIPs! Eric from Phoenix, Matt Rashid, Sean from Warsaw, the whole gang!

Matt Rashid

I find Dune (the books) to be almost a Rorschach. The film and TV depictions either fit that Rorschach or don’t. I could totally see how the new version left you wanting

Sean W. from Warsaw

That's a really interesting way of looking at the books! So deep. Much like the books. Kinda hard to follow at times, but worth it. I think the new film is problematic for me mostly in regards to how many of the characters seem so different, but otherwise the story is spot on. The irony here is how some of the Star Wars novelizations seem to have slightly different versions of the characters than the movies (especially ROTS), but somehow I don't seem to have an issue with that! Not sure what's going on there. Lol

Sean W. from Warsaw

Dude! You're speaking my language, man. :D Jimmy, could this even be a possibility? I'd totally be down for it if everyone else was!

Travis Shonio

Random, but I noticed The Last Jedi has a Lost Boys parallel during the Canto Bight sequence. The chase on the beach is very reminiscent of the motorcycle sequence with them racing along the beach, both sequences ending with the character’s vision being obscured by fog or grass, and narrowly avoiding going off a cliff, before both being taken in by a sketchy villain in a long coat. I doubt it was entirely intentional but it was hard to not notice, especially after watching Terrifying Tales haha.

Sean W. from Warsaw

Ooh! Yeah, that would help, for sure. It's an atmospheric film, no doubt, with so many of those shots being super dark or really wide. It would be nice to see it that way, but I unfortunately have to stick with the normal theatrical stuff. I definitely need to give the film another try, though. Wish I had the money for Imax, but it is what it is!

Jeff Holland

Always look forward to a Q&A with the “King of All VIPs”!

Jeff Holland

Stats on how hard JMac is working on RFR/Patreon content: Number of Q&As: 2017 - 8 2018 - 9 2019 - 11 2020 - 21 2021 - 43 (and counting) TOTAL - 92 FYI - this was The King of All VIPs' 18th Q&A.

Nathan Wenzel

Worried about listening because I haven’t seen Dune yet!

Jeff Holland

Thanks, but you, sir, deserve 99% of the credit on how the Q&A has taken off. You are the spark that lights the fire that burns the thing that ignites the flame... or something like that. :)

Blake Weaver

Great show Matt. Loved the conversation. The new Dune I was blown away by. I thought it was a masterpiece and that’s not a word I use much. I was skeptical I’d know what was going on because the original Dune film I hated and don’t understand. But the story was easy enough for me to follow and the visuals were by far maybe the best I’ve ever seen in a modern film.

Joe Dallas

Great show as always.

Peter Beisser

I may have to step up my Patreon game to VIP level next year. Missing out on all the fun.

Jeff Holland

Do it! You won’t regret it. It’s $50/mo ($600) but if you pay for the entire year instead of monthly, you get 10% off ($540) and if you divide that by 365 days it averages to about $1.50/day. Basically you’d be buying Jason & JMac a cheap cup of coffee every day.

Eric from Phoenix

Make sure to see Dune on the big screen for your first viewing. If you know nothing about Dune, I suggesting renting the 80’s movie before seeing the new one. Helped me a ton.

David Fieldsend

I read Dune in high school and got sucked into that world, but then really disliked the David Lynch adaptation. I saw this version in Imax for my first viewing, and the immersive experience and improved sound and bass made it very worthwhile, i loved it. The director (villeneuve) had said he specifically created it for a movie experience, which is why i think a lot of the dialogue comes across as whisper-y on TV. If you still have a chance, check it out in the theaters. Also, in terms of similarities to SW, the general plot line of a young man with mystical lineage being marooned on a desert planet to later emerge stronger and take down a scheming emperor is as close to the OT’s general outline as you could get (and in no way do i mean that as a criticism of george or that he “stole” anything from Dune, hes the master of taking multiple influences and blending them together into something unique and stunning). And dont forget George’s visual homage to Dune with the (essentially) sand worm skeleton atop a sand dune on Tatooine as C3PO and R2 scurry past! Good show!

Josh Carter

I would love to hear you chat with JMac, you've always had a way with live chat on the streams. Cheers Peter!

Peter Beisser

Thanks, Josh. Appreciate that. Yeah, I look forward to those RFR live shows--probably even more than the SW shows themselves.

Javier Solorzano

Matt...you did an excellent job surmising the Dune overall story & the difference w/ the Deni movie. RE: the Bene Gesserit (or maybe Jessica's) agenda; they realized they would never be able to access all of "Humanity's Genetic History" (which is their goal) because Women only have access to their X chromosome while Men have access to the X & Y chromosmes & therefore ALL Human Genetic History. This is what is driving the Bene Gesserits.


This convo reminded me of trying to explain SW to my grandpa 40+ years ago. Jimmy Mac has come full circle...lol.

Eric from Phoenix

We talked about this, you would be fantastic and have a great time. Could be a great Christmas present for you :)

Matt Rashid

Thanks, Blake. All the adaptations have struggled with how munch info to dump on the viewer. I think Villeneuve handled it well

Matt Rashid

Thank, Javier! Right it’s the genetic history. Never quite understood what that means but I guess the only important thing is that Paul is the only one with the Y midichlorians.

Eric from Phoenix

You're too Kind Trevor. I'd love to talk with a group of Q and A folks and JMac about Star Wars. Come to ICC Con, I know at least one Q and Aer that will be there :)