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Hey Jason, hey Jimmy Mac!! I have been thoroughly enjoying seeing everybody else’s collection on Patreon lately so I took some photos to share as well! I have a ton of really awesome movie posters I wanted to break out to be shared as well but just wasn’t practical right now unfortunately.

Thank you guys for all your amazing content and discussion!! Keep up the incredible work and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Collector Spotlight is open to ALL RFR Patreon supporters! If you'd like your collection featured, send pix and text to show@rebelforceradio.com



Diana Orr

Love the lunchboxes, especially the one with Ventress.

Patrick Games

Nice collection, brother! I love that you sneaked in a few Marvel stuff ;) Nothing wrong with that!

Eric from Phoenix

Great collection Matthew! Love the Mando box with the beskar. Don’t remember seeing that for sale. The old novels are cool too. Also, love seeing the King Jimmy version of the Bible :)

Antonio from NJ

Yes love the avatar figures! Filoni forever

Eric from Phoenix

Yep, to be clear I wasn’t laughing about the Bible just trying to be funny on the version. Our pastor calls it the King Jimmy version. Just to be funny.

Kirk Leppert

Love those Despecialized Blu-ray’s!

Kris Ray

Great Black Series collection.

Alex White

Always like seeing RotS carded figs. Lot of nostalgia for me with those in particular.