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For the first time ever, all 4 of the BondCast hosts, including Laird, have gathered at the roundtable for wide-ranging discussion. We talk about the whole film and whether or not "James Bond Will Return".


BondCast: NO TIME TO DIE - The Roundtable - Rebel Force Radio: Star Wars Podcast

Exciting. Unpredictable. Controversial. These are just a few terms to describe NO TIME TO DIE. We still have much to say about Daniel Craig's final outing as 007 and this time, we are unleashing all of our agents.


Brooks P

Loving all this Bondcast content lately!

Peter Beisser

Really enjoyed Laird getting pulled into the conversation with the regular trio this time. Definitely adds a lot beyond the music.

CB Phantom

Jason I totally getcha about our hero’s being killed off. But I do like one thing, Han and Bonds last words are the EXACT SAME!!!! “I know…”

Blake Weaver

This was a really fun conversation to listen to. Honestly I haven’t even seen the movie yet. I really fell off the Craig Bond films 2 movies ago since I didn’t really enjoy those. I prefer retro Bond films. Still might give this one a shot.

Jeremy Hopper

Love listening to Bondcast! But man, way too harsh judging Safin! At least half the Bond villains are terrible, weak, with no interesting features. Safin has mystery. They gave him tons of motivation. He's a callback to the last movie. He has history with one of the main characters, the love of Bond's life and the mother of his child. He has a cool backstory with his parents being taken out by SPECTRE which gives him motivation to take out Blofeld, an awesome lair. Kind of what more could you want?! Is LeChiffre really that much better? He's a money launderer with a messed up eye. Personally I love how the opening sequence is long because it means strap in for an extra long fun adventure! Also Heracles wasn’t developed by Blofeld. It was developed by M. SPECTRE just stole it. So there’s no need for making 10 years work. It’s pretty clear that the opening takes place not long after the end of the last film. How can you say Casino is the best and not give this one the same benefit. Bond had never had a beginning before, so why is it so shocking when he has an end? Casino is very raw emotionally so how can you judge this one by a different standard but that one is “one of the best”? Finally, I think Bond taking himself out is absolutely the brave choice. Had he tried to stay alive, his family would always be in danger because anyone he ever comes in contact with could eventually spread it. Thus it’s the hard, brave choice to take himself out now before anyone can ever get infected from him. It’s the only way to take care of his family. And it’s beautiful because it’s the thing that has plagued him for all the Craig movies, being unable to save the women he loves. Now he can. And he does. Beautiful poetry.