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Chut! Chut! 

I've been wanting to share my collection ever since the Collector Spotlight feature began on RFR Patreon. It inspired me to get more of my ships hung from the ceiling before doing a photo shoot (still don't have any Separatists ships or a few Sequel trilogy vehicles out).

30+ yeas ago, I began with a collector's dresser top & a desk. Then, I graduated to my first 1st man cave. 3 man caves later, I now have a man condo! Sometimes, I call it my action figure museum. I am often told I should charge admission for others to see my entire collection. Yes I do live alone (with my dogs Han & Chewy).

Sorry if too many pics, I tried to keep it limited and tried not to include any non-Star Wars sections of my home. It is all much more awesome looking in person.

May the Force Be With You!

Craig Wehr





Edgar Marrero

Incredible! Love all the empire figures and vehicles!👌🏽

Chris Hardy

Awesome collection!

Kenny Wymore

I would never get anything done if that was my home office. Love it!

Adrian Logan

Outstanding collection here Craig!! What are you using to hang your ships?

Nikolas Kouzes

Great collection! Thank you for sharing!

Jared Cantor

The Force is strong with this one! I'm panicking already just thinking about dusting it. Never move!


Super effort!!!!! 👍🏼


Man with a collection like this I would wake up every day saying to myself " Unlimited Poweeeeeeerr !!!!" XD

John Riley

Wow awesome! Imperial collector. I love the Max Rebo plushy, and the flock of porgs.

Jeff Holland

Impressive. Most impressive.

Mike Aragon

And the winner is ......... Craig Wehr!!!!


Oh Man...that is a beautiful sight to behold! :)

Manoah Crane

This is awesome, so many armies built.

Blake Menefee

Omg I didn’t see all the pics! Amazing!

Amy Dudley

This is the way!

Eric from Phoenix

Holy freaking action figures Batman.....wow, what a collection! I almost breakout in hives thinking about the domino effect on all troopers with one false move :)