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We continue to dig deep into the soundtrack for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.  We listen to key compositions from the film that musically illustrate Anakin's fall to the dark side. Plus, electric guitars in Star Wars? We spotlight the a section from the Coruscant speeder chase that shreds. Plus, we continue our discussion about the dominant track from the film, "Across The Stars", and much more.



Edgar Marrero

Yes! Been waiting for this lol 😆

Korey Beaver

Love that these are getting rereleased! Whatever happened with DC? Kinda remember him just disappearing from RFR stuff over night.

Eric from Phoenix

He started his own podcast called The Soundtrack Show. Very Good and much more than Star Wars. He has had a couple times where he's paused releasing new episodes. Not sure why as I only listen to the episodes that are about soundtracks / movies I enjoy.

RobO from ChicagO

I really enjoy listening to these, thanks for re-releasing them.