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J.J. Abrams sank his teeth into another "Star" franchise before signing on to direct the STAR WARS sequels. In 2009, J.J. brought the STAR TREK franchise back to cinemas with the first of a trilogy of films. RFR V.I.P Rob Strecker is back to resume his 5 year mission to get Jason Swank to discuss all-things-TREK with this dive into the Kelvin Timeline.



Antonio from NJ

What is this some sort of trek through the trek? Haha Can't wait to listen!

Eric from Phoenix

Pointy eared Spock suckers…..Just kidding. Looking forward to listening. Have a slight backlog so will be a few days :)

Rob Strecker

I'm not afraid to let my fandom of BOTH franchises show. So make that a Lightsaber wielding, pointy eared Spock sucker. LOL

Peter Beisser

Say what you will, the one thing JJ did for Star Trek was to make it cool with this flick. What an accomplishment! Great conversation, Rob. Getting Swank to do a Q&A is another amazing accomplishment!

Blake Weaver

Really great discussion. I loved that Star Trek film so this was a lot of fun to listen to. Great to hear Swank on Q&A again!

John Phillips

Best line from this film is when Pike says: Your Father was captain for 12 minutes and saved 800 lives including you and your Mother. I dare you to do better.

Rob Strecker

That is a good line. Probably what made Kirk take Pike up on his offer, and made him say "4 years? I'll do it in 3."

Clayton Capeletti

Love the 2009 Star Trek. Fun to hear my favorite SW guys taking about Trek! Great episode!!

Jeff LeCrone

Chris Hemsworth, who plays Kirk’s dad, IS Thor. He’s not ‘the other’ Hemsworth.

Jeff LeCrone

Also, I thought you guys might comment on the fact that Kirk was promoted straight to Captain from being a cadet. I thought that was a bit of a stretch.

Rob Strecker

Pike made him first officer to Spock when he left the ship to "meet" with Nero. Saving the planet from destruction, and by extension the federation, I think gives some slack in that kind of promotion afterward.

Rob Strecker

LOL I was pestering him since I believe September to get one going. Before I hung up with him I got a date for the follow-up recording, later this month.

RobO from ChicagO

Never watched Star Trex prior to the JJ movies. I really enjoyed it when it first came out.

Todd “Suds” Sedlacek

This was a great episode! I am a casual at best fan of Star Trek but I have REALLY enjoyed the JJ version of it so the discussion was very interesting to me.

Eric from Phoenix

Rob and Jason, great show! Some random thoughts: 1) I couldn't agree more about the casting. Perfectly done!! 2)I think the reason JJ made a good Star Trek movie was he didn't have the personal attachment to it like he did with Star Wars (pretty sure I read or herd this in an interview). I wonder if this hurt him when me made the two sequels? 3) There needs to be a rule where time travel can never be used again in Star Trek and Star Wars can't have anymore Death Star type weapons. All have been overused in my opinion. 4) I had not idea Chris Pine's dad was in Chips but as soon as you said it I could totally see the family resemblance. Loved that show as a kid! Curious to hear you talk about the next Trek movie as I really like it. Doesn't hold a candle to Wrath of Khan but still good.