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  • RFR_Q_A_120_STAR_WARS_... - audiogram.mp4
  • RFR_Q_A_120_STAR_WARS_... - audiogram.mp4
  • RFR_Q_A_120_STAR_WARS_... - audiogram.mp4



We continue our intro to STAR WARS RPG with gamemaster Matt Rashid leading us along the way. We begin actual gameplay on this episode to launch the adventures of Pod Castis. Plus, Babu Freak Tyler Page joins us to make the game a little more interesting! 



Corey Hunt

So ready for this one! I was wondering when you were going to start! We should get an RFR group together to play. Even just a one shot.

Antonio from NJ

I can't wait to really dive in! This series of QAs have the making of something awesome!

Jim from Sweden

My first own campaign was called Back to Bespin. Ending with a macabre find of a lightsabre with a cut of hand still attached to it. Losely based on locations from the early Marvel issues in the 80s.

Matt Rashid

Hats off to Jimmy and Tyler for being such great sports! Thanks, fellas!

Toby Mann

Really enjoyed this, cheers Matt for driving such a cool project. Looking forward to the next chapter of Pod and Vendry

Sean W. from Warsaw

Been really busy and far behind in my RFR episodes, but finally got around to checking this out. Had to put some other things on hold just to listen in a timely fashion. It did not disappoint! First games can be really tough and frustrating for both the GM and players, sometimes, but I think you guys are off to a great a start! I remember my first campaign (as an adult, not so much as a kid) that I GM'd; but I remember much moreso what it was like as a player (as a kid--wasn't so much a player as an adult) and I distinctly remember the frustration of learning this stuff for the first time. Burned into my brain forever. So I feel you, Jimmy! But you did really well as a first timer. And it helps that Matt is a good GM. Tyler sounds like such a cool, chill dude, someone you always wanna have nearby in a session to keep things cool, calm and collected. (Wish I had more of those types of dudes for my sessions.....) Anyways, it was a blast finally getting to hear this! Been many months in the making. Looking forward to the adventures of Pod and Vendry!

Matt Rashid

Thanks for listening, Sean. It’s still clumsy and that’s on me, but I think I can smooth it out with time and make it a good audio experience. Jimmy and Tyler are so much fun. I’m looking forward to really getting things-ahem-rolling with them.

Rob Strecker

Great show. I think an RFR VIP Star Wars RPG group would be great fun judging by how this is going. I'd totally be down to do a once a month thing if it is like this. An offshoot or spin-off of the Freaks I guess.

Eric from Phoenix

Matt, I had a ton of fun listening to this today. Any RPG is overwhelming at the beginning and I like reading the instructions :) Even after reading everything I have to just start playing to figure things out (Just like Mac). My family has never played the Star Wars RPG but started playing D & D 5 years ago. We've had several long breaks due to work / college but should be gearing back up in a month. I like the FFG stuff (Rebellion and X-Wing) but I'm struggling a bit to visualize the dice compared to D & D. Can you give just a quick summary on how the FFG dice work compared to D & D?

Eric from Phoenix

It helps having Tyler since he's an experienced RPG'er and he understands how these games work overall.

Matt Rashid

I’m glad you enjoyed it, Eric! Thank you! The dice system is not entirely different from X-Wing. You basically have good dice and bad dice. The symbols cancel each other out to give you a result. So in D&D you roll a D20 and add modifiers, In Star Wars your dice pool is made up of good dice as represented by your skill level and bad dice which represent the challenge level. Roll’em and see what you have left. That’s your dice result.

Matt Rashid

Good move. It’s very visual. In the beginning it’s head scratching but it becomes second nature quickly

Eric from Phoenix

I’d be into this as long as I didn’t have to be the GM since I’ve never played the FFG RPG.