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We review the all-new Pepperidge Farm #MANDALORIAN Goldfish Crackers and Clover Sonoma's Blue Moon Milk. Does it live up to what Aunt Beru serves?


GOT BLUE MILK? Star Wars Snack Time!

We review the all-new Pepperidge Farm MANDALORIAN Goldfish Crackers and Clover Sonoma's Blue Moon Milk. Does it live up to what Aunt Beru serves? #StarWars #PepperidgeFarm #CloverSonoma #BlueMoonMilk #rebelforceradio #podcast


Eric from Phoenix

Thanks Jim. Just taking a break from yard work and was going to try and find this part of show to watch while eating. You read my mind.

CB Phantom

We are grilling Krayt today!!! YUMMY!!!

Mike James

Just a shame about the lack of blue