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Pod Castis returns! Join us for our third round of STAR WARS RPG with gamemaster Matt Rashid along with Tyler Page. We've infiltrated an Imperial Base and things get messy in the mess hall. 



Matthew Dillingham

I feel so personally attacked listening to Jimmy talk about late night tombstones pizzas and stuff😂😂😅😅

Antonio from NJ

YES the Pod Castis saga continues!

Antonio from NJ

Haha when Jimmy asks "who knows their way around this place?" after just shooting a droid who probably could have helped had me dying laughing. Thats like Han Solo level.

Pepper Spray Johnny

I made the mistake of eating lunch while listening to this episode. 💩 🤮

Jared Cantor

Laughing nonstop. Jimmy is a great roleplayer haha

Brian Koehler

Loving the misadventures of Pod Castis haha. Would be cool to get Swank in one of these just for fun . "May the farts be with you" 🤣

RobO from ChicagO

I’m suddenly craving a Dennys Grand Slam.


Am really enjoying these Q&A as it's different to the others more of fan audie book to me haha

Pistol Pete

Good work gentlemen. I’m enjoying each chapter of Pod Castis first adventure. Keeping a fun and light tone. But for the sake of Vendri you gotta get that Duros out of plain sight!

Matt Rashid

It went appropriately off the rails. In my book, it’s not tabletop if it doesn’t!

Eric from Phoenix

Great job Matt! I loved the opening crawl you put together. I totally thought of Indy trying to get into the Nazi uniform in Raiders right before you mentioned it. Great minds think alike. Lots of fun to listen to on my flight home today.


Haha this one was very fun !

Eric from Phoenix

Couldn’t agree more. I died laughing when Jim aka Pod said he was just going to blast him. Might have been able to use the droid to help. Han would’ve totally done what Jimmy did.

Justin Bernstein

Not me getting stared at during my evening walk because I'm laughing hysterically at a certain explosive situation that develops. Just don't time your New Year's countdown to this episode ;)

Javier Solorzano

It's the interaction between Matt and Jimmy (Jimmy as us the audience substitute) trying to catch on in this, new for many, RPG environment that is so interesting. When Jimmy seemingly frustrated, asks what's the goal, what are we trying to accomplish and Matt suggesting that the goal is to play the game and have an experience gets at the essence of RPG and I think that lesson is worthwhile. These episodes have a snowballing effect, the more I listen to them, & just enjoy the ride, the more interesting they become.

Javier Solorzano

Jimmy after a Denny's Grand Slam. "...the Farts will be w/ you......always" LOL !!!

Todd “Suds” Sedlacek

Another great episode of the RPG! Can’t wait to hear what happens next !

Alex White

Love the throwback to the Denny’s menu reading, one of the all time funniest RFR moments. Nice going Pod. Always thinking with your stomach.

Matthew Dillingham

Really enjoying these! My best friend and I have discussed checking some of these types of games out! Might need to facetime 🤔

Mai G Rashid

Pod Castis and his weight issue hahaha love it

Sean W. from Warsaw

This is the first Q&A I've listened to since May, I believe. So glad to finally be getting back into these! I always wanted to see Jimmy Mac really begin to delve into the rpg stuff and understand it as I always thought that once it'd click for him that he'd really love it. It's so cool seeing his journey with it. And I love the little story you guys are playing. I can really clearly picture a lot of what's happening. I think that Jimmy, Tyler and Matt all have great chemistry as buds at the table. Brings me back to the olden days for myself doing this stuff. Gonna have to check out the next part of the adventure soon! Anyways, great job, guys. Wish I could have made it when it aired but better late than never!