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Here at RFR, we consider director Kevin Smith to be the Godfather of Star Wars Pop Culture References. Starting with his first film in 1994 CLERKS, Kevin has always let his geek flag fly with Star Wars references in all his "View Askew" films. RFR VIP Jeff Holland is a huge Kevin Smith fan and he returns to the Q&A for a review of all the Star Wars connections and mentions by characters like Jay & Silent Bob, Cock Knocker, and other View Askewniverse denizens. 



Michael Gadonneix

I know it’s been a long time since this episode aired, but I just got a chance to listen, thanks to patreon. There were lots of references in Mallrats that was totally missed, such as Jays plan to destroy the stage,where he says “Silent Bob stole the schematics from some foolish carpenter and found a weakness just like the fucking Death Star”. There is another reference when Jay gets two of the three contestants if the game show stoned and is asked what happened to them, he says “ power of the dark side!” Then there is the scene where Bob is reaching for the videotape which totally mirrors Luke’s reaching out with the force to grab his lightsaber in the Wampa cave. Then when Jay at the end thinks Bob used the force to reach the tape, and Bob finally speaks, he quotes Yoda with “ Adventure, excitement…a Jedi craves not these things!” I’m sure there’s more, but that’s all that comes to mind off the top of my head…

Jeff Holland

Wow! That was quick! We ***just*** did the Q&A an hour or so ago! JMac is always working his butt off for RFR!

Jeff Ulicny

I've posted this pitch other places and it hasn't happened yet. Disney would never allow it, but I can dream... "Jay and Silent Bob Use the Force", a prequel-era Star Wars movie where Jay and Silent Bob are disgraced padawans kicked out of Jedi Temple for dealing death-sticks and pursuing a life of petty crime using their force abilities. They eventually stumble upon an underworld slave girl who was kidnapped from a royal family. Jay is smitten by her and is determined to rescue her and return her to her family hoping for a large reward and a chance to score with the slave girl. Hilarity ensues.

Brian Robinson

I think Kevin has hit a rough patch since Red State, although Tusk was a crazy premise. I have low expectations for Clerks III, so hopefully he surprises us.

Jeff Holland

Agree. After Cop Out, Red State, etc he kinda took a break from movies and his podcast career took off. Glad he’s back to making movies. I recently watched Clerks and Clerks II ( to prep for the Q&A and for Clerks III), and I forgot how much I loved both movies. I thought Clerks II was really good/funny. Hopefully III delivers!

Darren Difronzo

BTW, Red State is probably his best movie by far

Jeff Holland

Thanks! I’m just now getting to your Q&A 127. I’m soooo behind on my podcasts.

Peter Beisser

Jeff, great episode, man! You're one of my favorites in the RFR community. Always can count on you for a big laugh and well thought out conversation.

JR Eaton

Big Kevin Smith fan here too. You guys left it out, but Smith’s Zack and Miri Make a Porno has a lot of funny SW references. Just as much if not more than his other films. Although they’re mostly porn parodies and a lot are visual, not exactly podcast or family friendly lol

Jeff Holland

Wow thanks Peter! That’s really nice of you to say. Same here- I’ve enjoyed your Q&As and chatting during the RFR live after shows.

Jeff Holland

Ah crap! You’re right! Totally forgot to talk about Zack and Miri (which I really liked).

Eric from Phoenix

Great discussion guys. Jeff, was awesome meeting you at ICC Con! Thanks for the shout out to my wife, made her day :). Andrea’s a huge Labyrinth fan and bought two pieces of original art (and signed) by an artist that was at ICC Con and worked with Jim Henson on the movie. I can tell you my brother and I definitely played with our Star Wars figures. Peter Jackson’s LOTR is fantastic and the DVD set is amazing. Wish the Star Wars sets were as expansive. New He-Man…Not bad but if you wanted to make a show about Teela just give her, her own show but if it’s called He-Man he better be the main character along with Skelator. So frustrating. I’m not a Kevin Smith movie fan but I still enjoyed the discussion. Thanks for the fun!