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Many actors in ANDOR are familiar to British TV viewers. From soap operas to comedies, STAR WARS fans in England are spotting many familiar faces. RFR V.I.P. Ash Hawkins joins the Q&A right from the middle of England and he's noticed a few well known British performers showing up in ANDOR. We also talk about visiting STAR WARS shooting locations, Ash's history on British game shows, building a large Blu Ray collection, and heavy metal bands we like. 



Rob Strecker

Playing catch up now.

Adam Taylor

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ✌🏻

Kirk Leppert

Great episode!! This one had everything! A brief appearance of Michael McInerney bringing up some POTF2/SOTE goodness, John Carpenter, Maiden, and bringing yours truly up! Great job, Ash! Hope you do more episodes!

RobO from ChicagO

Love the rock/metal music talk! Good episode Ash. Love Alter Bridge, are you an Avenged Sevenfold fan by any chance?

Gareth Williams

I think the Pointless studio was also changed to the Dagobah set after the Hoth scenes were filmed. Bet Canary Wharf station will be mobbed with Star Wars fans during celebration next year - it’s only a few stops from the ExCeL centre.

Dusty Hawk

Cheers Kirk! It was great fun chatting with Jimmy. Hopefully will get another one booked in towards the end of the year / early next year.

Dusty Hawk

Rock n Roll! Up the Irons! haha I find there's quite a few Star Wars fans who are also Metal Heads. I've seen Avenged at festivals a couple of times, they are ok, I'm not a big fan but would enjoy watching their set with a beer! I'm big into Megadeth at the moment, loving their new album. Can't wait for Alter Bridge's new album next month, and will be seeing them live in December again! \m/

Dusty Hawk

Yeah, I think they used the studio for a few bits. The crew who were there on the day we filmed there just mentioned the hoth hallways. It was a great studio to visit, and the George Lucas stage is HUGE from the outside. I'm not sure that was there when they filmed the OT, it looked like a newer building. I'll only be using the Central Line on Thursday in London, so won't get chance for a stop. I'll have to go next time when I've got a bit more time. Wouldn't mind going to check out the newly refurbed Lego store in Leicester Square too, where they've got loads of Star Wars stuff in. Are you going to Celebration next year? Are you in the UK?

Gareth Williams

Hey. Yeah I’m uk based and managed to get a 4-day ticket for Celebration so will be there. Have been to both the previous UK celebrations but no US ones yet.

Brian Robinson

I'm seeing Iron Maiden next week, last saw them in 2019. I'm also going to the WASP/Armored Saint show in November. Alter Bridge is always solid and I like the new Megadeth as well. I was disappointed I didn't get to see Rammstein on their current US Tour, they are still on my bucket list.

Diana Orr

Great having a VIP from across the Atlantic, well done Ash. Jimmy Mac, I also had Halloween the book, scared the crap out of me.

Scott Osterkamp

Ash! Great hearing from from across the pond. My friend is a cruise line singer and from Glasgow. He sings Elvis “can’t help falling in love” but it’s “cun* help falling…. It’s not on purpose just cracked me up. Great job and very entertaining!

Dusty Hawk

Enjoy Maiden! Great show, and some of their best songs are in the set 😎. Rammstein are a MUST. You’ll never see anything like it, and you can feel the heat of the special effects from the back!

Dusty Hawk

Thanks Diana. I feel I need to track down this Halloween book now! 👍🏼

Dusty Hawk

Cheers Scott! I can’t imagine Elvis being sung with a Scottish accent 😂. Elvis is not really my bag… but definitely better than Abba! Ha

Martin Lampen

Great to hear another VIP from the U.K. maybe a celebration meet up on the cards?

Diana Orr

Here’s the link to read it since it’s out of print https://archive.org/details/halloweennovelization1978/mode/1up?view=theater

Nick Whenham

Really enjoyed your Q@A Ash. Nice one. I'm just down the road from you, in Birmingham. Star Wars, Metal, Beer! The holy triumvirate! Rock n roll brother!

Tyler Page

Awesome Q&A! Great hearing about the game show experiences and the studio.

Jared Cantor

Late to the party, but this was a great SW etc show. Love when the etc covers a range of cool topics. Keep coming back Ash!

Jeff Holland

Finally got around to listening to this episode. Welcome to the RFR VIP Lounge Ash! Nice to have some VIPs from 'across the pond'. I LOL when you guys talked about Jon Favreau. I too think of Pete from Friends when thinking of JF. I also think of Eric the Clown from Seinfeld. Ha! Looking forward to more Q&As from you!

Eric from Phoenix

Great job Ash, tons of fun! The game show you talked about made me think it was like Family Feud but backwards. Not sure that makes sense. It’s a Wonderful Life and the Star Wars Radio Dramas? Crazy, I didn’t know that. Jimmy, I have to watch all shows with closed captioning on, so much better and/or I’m just getting old. Love the live toy sighting report. John Carpenter - My favorite of his is Escape from New York.